Friday, September 20, 2024

They Sold Their Souls to Rock and Roll

My whole life prior to 1992 (Eph. 2:2-3) was given solely over wholly to the rock music industry. From playing the music to that of absolutely following all aspects of the industry and culture as some of you who knew me well know. It was my identity in many ways and I sought to live it out in my unregenerate mind and blindness (Prov. 16:25, Eph. 2:1-3). As Almighty God began to get a hold of me, He started to redirect me by His Word and I then began to see the many faceted evils and vices of the whole music culture and life style.

I remember saying to myself - in the last days that I played in my band "Silent Desire" (1986-1992), What are you doing? Listen to the lyrics of the songs that you play. What are they saying? Look what the consequences of this life style and what it is doing to you and those who you care greatly about. I knew I had to leave it and I knew that Almighty God could not be honored in any way or blessed by it in my life by practicing such godlessness.

Look what the consequences of this life style and what it is doing to you and those who you care greatly about.

Up to this point in my young age I had lived a full life. After three years of challenging and wrestling with Almighty God and His Word; and trying to justify everything in my manner of living, at the age of twenty four I finally surrendered to the Lord and began to follow Jesus as my Lord and Savior (John 3:16.17). My final conclusion at that time was, Lord you were absolutely right! I need You and my actions were horrifically wrong. His grace and mercy showed and taught me how wrong I was and that God's long suffering to me lead me to repentance and ETERNAL life (2 Peter 3:9)! That was in the fall of October of 1992. Since then I have been truly blessed by Almighty God. He has blessed me and has filled my soul with His Wonderful ETERNAL Person and with His plan and future for my life. The music and all of its party lifestyle could never fill the ETERNAL void that possessed me. Only Almighty God can satisfy the famished soul of man (John 6).

In the end, I knew I would have to give an account to Almighty God and I would be doomed if I continued in my rebellion and sin against Him (Heb 9:27).

My final conclusion at that time was Lord you were absolutely right! I need You and my actions were horrifically wrong.

Before you label me a square or a nut, I would like to challenge you to objectively watch this brief series of documentaries on the music industry and its culture. On this web site you will see for yourself that there is something more sinister behind the whole godless music industry and life style then meets the eye (Eph 6:12). In the end, ask yourself this simple question. Is this what you want to truly serve?

Be brave, be objective and have courage to face the realities at hand. Then you will see what it is all about.

The Lord Jesus stated: You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32).

And if the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed (John 8:36).

Put your faith and trust in Almighty God! He alone can satisfy. He alone can deliver! Put your trust in Him today. You will never be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


The One I though I Knew - The other side of my brief testimony.



Tony said...

Praise the Lord for your testimony. I work for Good Fight Ministries and came across your post. We are blessed to hear testimonies like yours from around the world. God bless you and press on in Jesus!

The Ignorant Fishermen said...

Tony Thanks! We truly enjoyed the Video you guys put out (quite sobering!) and posted a link to it on our blog! I know that Life and Almighty God has delivered me from the deceptions and subtleness of it. To God be the glory!


Tina said...

AMEN! I praise God for you and this testimony my are a blessing. May he bless each step you take.
Your sister in Christ,