As "Earth Day" is upon us, let us look at the demonic and leftist philosophy which is driving this "Baalistic" ideology.
What seems to have a stranglehold on America and the world at present is the godless totalitarian socialistic environmental movement of today. This movement has halted progress and has laid shackles on the capitalistic freedoms at present here in America and in the world. As the environmentalist display their "Green Righteousness" and seek to practice at the same time a relative and godless philosophy when it comes to the Moral Laws of Nature and the ETERNAL ABSOLUTES of FOREVER, this "Green righteousness" movement of environmentalism is seeking to impose its secular will on the world and all its inhabitants.
The question at hand is, should we be conservative and conversationalist in the area that we live in? The rhetorical reply is, Yes... Of course! None of us will deny that. We all should do our part to make for a healthier and beneficial environment for all. In fact, many regulations have made America cleaner and better. In that, we do not find any fault. What we do find fault with is the green fascist mandates that are crippling our society and shackling our freedoms. What is key for a true healthy society is not fascist green legislation, but the adherence to the moral laws that have been instilled into the creation by Almighty God the Creator.
What is key for a truly healthy society is not green legislation but the adherence to the moral laws that have been instilled into the creation by Almighty God.
Notice how hardcore green groups such as PETA, Hollywood, the Music Industry, the ACLU and the American secular progressive Left are super radical on regulations on environmental issues and greenology, but are absolutely reprobate in social and sexual morality which has been the key vices which have laid waste this country and our present world (Isaiah 24:5,6; Romans 1:18-32).
The Two Hands of Greenology

Today's "Green Righteousness" is that attitude and spirit in which all is Machiavellian when done for the furtherance and protection of the earth (one's sensual harmony with the creation). It is this subjective sensual (5 senses driven) “wisdom” and perception which holds in high esteem the evolutionary philosophy of time and chance and valiantly condemns the Judeo/Christian Laws of Nature and of Natures God (1 Cor. 1:18-32). Junk theories and science and godless secular ideals are its dogmas and "bible", and this fallen planet is its god (Rom 1:22-26). These seek to be the world's savior and deliverer from the earth's arch-enemy, man. The radical environmentalist attitude and their green righteousness are manifested on how they serve and honor the environment (the creature and creation) and it’s “green” dogmas and mandates (Romans 1:18-32).
They fight tooth and nail against moral absolutes and the Righteousness of Almighty God which are crucial to producing a healthy society and culture.
What is so astounding about this green philosophy is that while these seek to contain man tendencies to pollute, they are fighting an Eco – war against capitalism and man’s sovereignty here on earth. What is so hypocritical is that these individuals are the greatest polluters of all. Their social pollution of excess and the acceptance of all kinds of sexual deviance is far greater the destroyer of our world and humanity than their little green crusade.
The Social Pollution of Secularism

The withering attacks and the devastating fallout from this tyrannical oppressor is formidable. These include 60 million abortions since 1973 (representing a generation of Americans annihilated!), a ravished and wasted society, numberless unwed mothers and fatherless children, broken homes, psychological (mental) and physiological problems, a “red-lining” national guilty conscience (yet a nation unable to blush), a divorce rate higher than 50%, HIV/ AIDS and its related devastation, countless STD’s, rampant teen and college-age promiscuity and unwanted pregnancies, increasing rapes, violence and murders, sex-trafficking, child porn and porn addiction (i.e., 70% of the total Internet given over to porn in support of a 4 billion-dollar-a-year porn industry), drug addictions, alcoholism, mass poverty, trillions of dollars spent for unaccountable social programs, promotion in government schools, government funding, rampant adultery, prostitution, approved red-light districts, increased acceptance and approval of the mental and physiological disorder known as sodomy (homosexuality),….and on and on! Sexual addiction is the master oppressor today of Adam’s fallen race (see Romans 1:18-32, 5:12-19). Drug addiction, alcoholism and barbiturate addiction pale in comparison to this reigning despot. No nation has ever recovered from this self-indulging and self-gratifying addiction. How will ours be any different?
The Victims of the Sexual Revolution

The Master Panderer and His Game Plan

God Calls Out To You

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16-17).
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1:12).
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Rev. 3:20).
The only solution to the depraved and ever-growing lawlessness of the world we are living in today is found in the Person of Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY ONE who can rescue humanity from the end result of sin and lawlessness. May you place your trust and hope in Him today. You will never be the same!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Edited by BEL I.F.

Sadly, the pagans and pantheists are the one swho have brought public awareness to, and framed the debate regarding the environment. In the early twentieth century it was the hunter-fisher sportsmen who did teh same.
What is missing in this post is the Word of God regarding man and his proper relationship, i.e., stewardship of the earth. While the pantheists, et al. demand fascistic coercion as you pointed out unbridled capitalism is no less a cruel slavemaster nor do the ungodly have a proper understanding of man's dominion of teh earth. However, even many pagan societies throughout history have have been better stewards of the land than many Christian or "so-called" societies.
The doctrine of Scripture that applies here is: Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Here we see man's obedience is to plenish and subdue the earth.
In Gen 2 we see man's roles as well:
Gen 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
Man is to dress the garden and to keep it.
So while it may be easy to condemn the "green" movement, a good share of teh blame, perhaps the lion's share, falls on the Christian who has not obeyed God's Word, has not made God Word's known in this area, nor pressed for public policy in harmony with Scripture.
We are to be stewards of God's earth.. and some legislation and conservation movements have help greatly our rivers, lakes, woodlands etc... We are all for that... as we stated in the 1st paragraph of the post. It is the extreme, self righteous totalitarian green mind set that oppresses and does not help our environment that we take issue with. The global warming myth etc…Godless promotion of immorality and relativism etc.. Cap and Trade, spotted owl etc.. We tried to focus on that aspect of this movement.
Maybe in the future we can post more about what you have suggested. Some Capitalist are greedy dirty dogs.. but capitalism is greatness of free men.
Also.. The verses you quoted were before the fall of man (Romans 1:18-32, 5:12-19). It was a perfect world then. Isaiah 24:5,6 is taking place even now. Fallen men are not in harmony with the creation. The Creation is marred by the curse. Two different worlds my friend… TWO different worlds… One day though my friend God will create a New glorious Heavens and Earth (Rev 21, 22). This old broken one will be destroyed. May your affections be sighted on what will be… not what was or is passing away (1 John 2:17).
Agreed… some who call themselves "Christians” are to be blamed as you stated.. They have displayed that they are NOT true followers of Christ and have NOT been regenerated by the Holy Ghost as many do today (Matt 7:21-23).
Thanks for your reply
First, regarding "capitalism is greatness of free men." While scripture is not wedded to any particular economic system (I woudl suggest you read some of Tim Keller's works,I despise socialism, communism and highly favor capitalism but recognize the fallen world in which we live. I think you fail to realize is that even in the theocracy of the OT the prophets continued to call to task the rich who oppressed the poor, particularly widows, orphans and children. The same theme is even carried in NT in James. And even in the OT their were provisions to curb unbridled capitalism, such as the seven year tenure for a bondslave.
Secondly, the am well aware of the fallenness of the kosmos. While the fallen world is fallen, God's creation ordinances still stand- work, marriage, stewardship (I would recommend "Christ of the Covenants"). And my friend, there is no contradiction of obeying God's creation ordinances and "setting our affections on things above." And my friend I do await the New Heavens and Earth.
I agree totally with your point. All men are sinners. The law is good… but fallen man cannot fulfill it or honor it to it’s perfect potential.. How can corruption bring forth non corruption?
We are to adhere to the natural laws and Eternal Laws of Righteousness as best we can here in this fallen world till Christ sets up His Kingdom…(Romans 7:18-25) but even then the world will still be fallen but absolutely contained by Christ’s righteous rod of iron reign.
The New Heavens and earth are our future and hope for the redeemed in Christ.
We are to do our best here in this world but always looking for the fulfillment of God’s promises about this earth and the world to come.
I am glad that you do await the New Heavens and earth… that is what it is all about.
David, Its my birthday, And you know i do not mean earth day. so sad, so sad, i must say farewell, and wish you the same for i must go. For my Lord Jesus has told me to. Trust Man, maybe three fingers on my hand. In this world i will soon leave. for being a far greater fool than most, I feel his love and hear his voice. May you thin the flock as is your gift, toward purity only found in Christ Jesus....... S.W._.
Happy Birthday!
Dear friend, Were are you going?
How interesting that you should post an article on this subject just a few days after the Brits burned that Wicked Witch of Mammon - Margaret Thatcher.
I am quite sure a good capitalist like you would be aghast to learn that she invented the Global Warming myth with the help of a group of financially compromised scientists from a British university during the 1980's. Google "climategate".
You are starting to see the truth when you stop bashing socialism and realize that whilst they had you searching for reds under your beds the fascists took over your country.
When I read the Book of Revelation, I often think that the plagues in it are very similar to what will happen if we don't take care of the gift God has given us - this planet.
Destroying God's creation for money is Mammon worship, and you cannot serve God and Mammon.
"The time has come for judging the dead...and for destroying those who destroy the earth." - Revelation 11:18
Indeed! I'll take the New heavens and earth as I am sure that you will also... where RIGHTEOUSNESS abides FOREVER!
Great article, but may I gently suggest you carefully edit your work before you post it? It was difficult to read due to errors.
Thanks for your reply, We do the best we can and I agree we will miss somethings from time to time, however, we are called... the Ignorant Fishetmen and that is our writing style. Almighty God's weak vessel for His glory 1 Cor. 1:18-31
AMEN Richard- Rom. 1:18-32!
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