Following the Seal Judgments of the Lamb of God come Almighty God's "Trumpet Judgments" upon the earth’s inhabitants, its vegetation, its water (fresh and salt), and the celestial lights in the first and second heavens (Rev. 8:1-13).
The Second Trumpet Judgment will cause 1/3rd of all the seas of planet earth to turn to blood (Rev. 8:8-9). The fall out of this catastrophic global devastation will also cause 1/3 of all the sea creatures to perish and 1/3 of all the world's ships and their crews to perish also! Some facts:
1. 70.8 % of the earth’s surface is covered by water. 68% of that 70.8% is saltwater. 1/3 of the seas or 22.6% of the world’s surface area or 122 million sq/km or 47.1 sq/miles will be decimated and turned into blood! That is roughly the size of the Pacific Ocean! (How horrific!!) Ocean info link
2. The number of sea creatures destroyed by this trumpet judgment will be too innumerable to number. From the smallest creatures to the giant whales it must be in the trillions.
3. The total number of merchant ships that populate the world is about 55,000. This figure includes bulk carriers, dry cargo vessels, MPP's, container vessels, tankers, LPG's, LNG's, and most cruise ships; this number however does not include private vessels. The world's total number of ships of war is estimated at 4500. 1/3 of this total number (59,500) comes to roughly 19,833 ships that will be destroyed in this great Second Trumpet judgment not counting countless thousands of sailor's lives that will also perish. Can you even envision such wondrous cataclysmic devastation that will ravish a sea mass almost the size of the Pacific Ocean?
The Third Trumpet Judgment will cause 1/3rd of all fresh water to be poisoned with wormwood and become bitter. The effects of this judgment will cripple society and multitudes will perish because of their ingestion of these bitter waters (Rev. 8:11). In this period - due to the horrific consequences of the Seal and Trumpet Judgments - drinking water will be very scarce to come by.
3% of the entire world’s water is freshwater. 1/3 of this water supply (33% of the 3%) will be poisoned killing multitudes of the world’s inhabitants during this period.
The Fourth Trumpet Judgment will cause the celestial lights (sun, moon, and stars) to dim their light 1/3rd of their normal strength (Rev. 8:12)!
Up to this point, try to comprehend - if at all possible - the unimaginable and exponential ravishing effects upon the face of the earth by these Seven Seal Judgments and the first four Trumpet Judgments. Remember, that these judgments were ordered upon the inhabitants of the earth and their planet because of their exponential godless rebellion and violence against the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God (Gen. 1:31, Isa. 24:5-6, Rom. 1:18-32). These horrific global catastrophes - including the unimaginable devastation incurred by the Four Horsemen and the wrath of man - in which 1/4th of the world’s population was slain - will bring to the forefront the unbridled passions and uncontrollable violence of humanity's godless and evil fallen heart (Ps. 7:9, Jer. 17:9-10, Matt. 15:17-20, Jude 1:10). Nothing manifests the human heart as tribulation does and reveals to all, our utter godless depravity without the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God (Jer. 17:10, Matt 15:18-19, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 9:20-21).
Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS judgment which will come on the whole earth will be RIGHTEOUS and JUST (Psalm 9:8, 96:13, Rev. 16:5). Either it will lead us to repentance and ETERNAL deliverance (Luke 18:13, John 3:36, Rom.2:4, 2 Cor. 7:10, Rev. 22:1-5) OR it will harden us to war against our Creator and damn us FOREVER in Almighty God's ETERNAL prison called the Lake of Fire - (Matt. 25:41, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 20:11-15). Which choice have you made? My dear friend, if you have not chosen the ETERNAL love of Almighty God - which is found in His dear Son - do so even today (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:9). Do NOT be a fool with your godless pride. Humble yourself and receive Almighty God's gift of redemption and pardon. You will NEVER EVER be the same!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
What must I do to be saved?
As we shall see, the first four of the seven Trumpet Judgments shall strike the earth and its inhabitants with unparalleled EXPONENTIAL global cataclysmic destruction. Let us take a look!

The First Trumpet Judgment destroys 1/3 of all trees and grass upon the face of the earth with fire! (Rev.8:7). That comes to roughly 133 billion trees. 7% of all landmass is covered with grass. This area covers 9.93 million sq/km or 3.8 million sq/miles. This total area - which is given over to fire - is roughly a little bit bigger than the total landmass of the United States which would include Alaska. Can you even imagine the smoke which is generated from this global inferno?
The Second Trumpet Judgment will cause 1/3rd of all the seas of planet earth to turn to blood (Rev. 8:8-9). The fall out of this catastrophic global devastation will also cause 1/3 of all the sea creatures to perish and 1/3 of all the world's ships and their crews to perish also! Some facts:
1. 70.8 % of the earth’s surface is covered by water. 68% of that 70.8% is saltwater. 1/3 of the seas or 22.6% of the world’s surface area or 122 million sq/km or 47.1 sq/miles will be decimated and turned into blood! That is roughly the size of the Pacific Ocean! (How horrific!!) Ocean info link
2. The number of sea creatures destroyed by this trumpet judgment will be too innumerable to number. From the smallest creatures to the giant whales it must be in the trillions.

3% of the entire world’s water is freshwater. 1/3 of this water supply (33% of the 3%) will be poisoned killing multitudes of the world’s inhabitants during this period.
The Fourth Trumpet Judgment will cause the celestial lights (sun, moon, and stars) to dim their light 1/3rd of their normal strength (Rev. 8:12)!
Up to this point, try to comprehend - if at all possible - the unimaginable and exponential ravishing effects upon the face of the earth by these Seven Seal Judgments and the first four Trumpet Judgments. Remember, that these judgments were ordered upon the inhabitants of the earth and their planet because of their exponential godless rebellion and violence against the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God (Gen. 1:31, Isa. 24:5-6, Rom. 1:18-32). These horrific global catastrophes - including the unimaginable devastation incurred by the Four Horsemen and the wrath of man - in which 1/4th of the world’s population was slain - will bring to the forefront the unbridled passions and uncontrollable violence of humanity's godless and evil fallen heart (Ps. 7:9, Jer. 17:9-10, Matt. 15:17-20, Jude 1:10). Nothing manifests the human heart as tribulation does and reveals to all, our utter godless depravity without the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God (Jer. 17:10, Matt 15:18-19, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 9:20-21).
Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS judgment which will come on the whole earth will be RIGHTEOUS and JUST (Psalm 9:8, 96:13, Rev. 16:5). Either it will lead us to repentance and ETERNAL deliverance (Luke 18:13, John 3:36, Rom.2:4, 2 Cor. 7:10, Rev. 22:1-5) OR it will harden us to war against our Creator and damn us FOREVER in Almighty God's ETERNAL prison called the Lake of Fire - (Matt. 25:41, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 20:11-15). Which choice have you made? My dear friend, if you have not chosen the ETERNAL love of Almighty God - which is found in His dear Son - do so even today (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:9). Do NOT be a fool with your godless pride. Humble yourself and receive Almighty God's gift of redemption and pardon. You will NEVER EVER be the same!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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