Monday, November 5, 2012

The IFB Pre-Election Rally Cry!

My dear friends, many today including Rush and the majority of conservative talking heads are being swept away with a false hope and a delusional optimism about the "ever evolving" Mitt Romney and what a 2012 victory would mean. Indeed we should do all of our part as Americans by praying and voting for the lesser of the two evils in this election but remembering NOT to place our trust in the outcome. I know that this appraisal might sound fatalistic and doom and gloomy but this is the REALITY of our hour. Our nation is EXPONENTIALLY past the point of no return (socially and fiscal). Godlessness, immorality, moral relativism and lawlessness rule and dominate our day (2 Tim. 3:1-7). We as a nation are as a steak that has been left out in the hot sun for days. There is no chance now of saving it to be used for good. Until there is a sobering repentance here in America like Nineveh of old (Jonah) - which is very unlikely - we will continue to EXPONENTIALLY decline and implode on ourselves until our final demise.

Indeed we should do all of our part as Americans by praying and voting for the lesser of the two evils in this election but remembering NOT to place our trust in the outcome.

In our IFB newsletter we have sent you some of our writings that deal with this verdict in more in-depth detail. We pray that you read them and allow Almighty God speak to your hearts. Our job as believers and heirs of ETERNAL LIFE is to honor Almighty God and be a vehicle and vessel in proclaiming the Gospel and salvation message to ALL (1 Cor. 1:23, 2:2, 10:31). These Words of Life have ETERNAL benefits to all if received and may we be not distracted by the temporal events of this doomed world and our nation’s 2012 elections. May we stay focused and keep our eye fixed on the ETERNAL price (1 Tim 6:12)!

The Four Horsemen are about to ride my beloved and nothing will stop that from coming to be. The signs are everywhere my dear friends and may we all have eyes to see.

The Four Horsemen are about to ride my beloved and nothing will stop that from coming to be (Rev. 6-19). The signs of His coming are everywhere my dear friends and may we all have eyes to see it! In a declining and lawless world, we are heading straight into the Tribulation Period and Day of Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS wrath as God’s Word so clearly teaches (2 Thess 2:3-12, Rev. 6-19). Heaven’s ETERNAL perspective is greatly needed in our day and we as believers need to be Almighty God’s watchmen and voices preaching out to America and this lost world that the Kingdom of Heaven surely is at hand! May our sole desire be whatever may be the election out come to proclaim the Glorious Gospel message to all (John 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 15:1-4) and to be lights to our nation and fellow Americans (Matt. 5:13-16) as we await the Lord’s soon glorious coming (1 John 3:1-3).

To those of the Ignorant Fishermen brigade and our readers, God speed my beloved!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
 (DJP I.F.)

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