My dear friends, I know I'm going to get it for this post but in love I must say it (2 Cor. 12:15). Someone has to and it might as well be me. For the past 8 years I have been feeling the spiritual temperature at Free Republic and other conservative forums and have found that moral and biblical relativism, biblical ignorance, conservative optimism, Christian ecumenicalism and the outright rejection of the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Eph. 2:8-9) nearly dominate this and other conservative forums. Thank God for Free Republic, they do a great job, are sincere and mean well and are a great group of people who truly love America and conservatism as I do, but... that in itself is not enough to aid us in this dire hour. An individual today has to see the complete ETERNAL picture and that includes biblical REALITY and the reception of it. Conservatism without a saving relationship to Jesus Christ as the Holy Scriptures clearly teach is ETERNALLY bankrupt.
American conservatives of today are no different from the Pharisees of
Jesus day. These were conservative, moral, go to "church" to put it in
our day language and were quite familiar with the Old Testament, but when
push came to shove they outright rejected Almighty God's righteousness
and saving solution for their souls in SPIRIT and TRUTH and
held their traditions and conservatism above the Word of Almighty God.
Thank God for some God fearing, Bible believing, evangelical presence at Free Republic, who help point America's conservatives to the Gospel, the REALITY of the hour and Almighty God's biblical perspective, but sadly these are usually scoffed at and laughed to scorn by American conservatives who are lost and without a saving relationship to Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel (Isa. 53, Matt. 7:21-32, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Cor. 2:14). Tragically the dominant spirit there is one of unbelief, subjective conservative optimism, spiritual delusion and ETERNAL blindness (Rom. 10:2-4). The temperature and pulse of American conservatives who actually believe the Bible and its saving message is near dead and ice cold. That is a heart breaking reality that God the Father has had to show me these last five years and with tears in my eyes I wish I could change that but I cannot choose for an individual to receive the Savior. American conservatives of today are no different from the Pharisees of Jesus day. These were conservative, moral, go to "church" to put it in our day language and were quite familiar with the Old Testament but when push came to shove they outright rejected Almighty God's righteousness and saving solution for their souls in SPIRIT and TRUTH (John 4:24) and held their traditions and conservatism above the Word of Almighty God (Matt. 15:1-20, Rom.10:1-4).
temperature and climate of American conservatives who actually believe
the Bible and its saving message is dead and ice cold and that is a heart breaking reality that God the Father has had to show me.
My dear friends, oh how we need Divine REALITY today and not delusional optimism and worldly solutions for our EXPONENTIAL global crises. Almighty God cries out to you all day long but will YOU receive Him and His ETERNAL solutions for your life? That is the biggest question ALL must ask themselves in these last days. All these current events and crises of our global community are self induced by the lawless and godless works of fallen man and are driving this world straight into the Day of the Lord (Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 6:7, Rev. 6-19). These products or fruits of evil men and their consequences are left in place to bring us to the brink of our delusions so that we may come out of our subjective selves and show us our desperate need for the Savior, His pardon, and His RIGHTEOUSNESS.
My dear friends, WHAT WILL YOU DO? Will you continue to look for worldly
solutions and conservative human saviors or will you finally come to the end of
yourself and receive the KING of kings and LORD of lords who is the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR and PRINCE of PEACE.
My dear friends, WHAT WILL YOU DO? Will you continue to look for worldly solutions and conservative human saviors or will you finally come to the end of yourself and receive the KING of kings and LORD of lords who is the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR and PRINCE of PEACE (Isa. 9:6-7, Rev. 19:11-16). All ETERNITY is before us and our brief existence in this fallen world is about gone. See the ETERNAL, see the Savior, see the REALITY and you will find the liberation and peace of Almighty God that will calm your hearts in America's last hours.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved!" (Acts 16:29)!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Conservatism Without the Righteousness of Almighty God is Bankrupt.
I think you bring up a lot of good
points, however you seem to lump
all conseratives together.
The politicians are too scared to
say anything about Christ because
it may offend a potenial voter.
Having said that, I believe the
average person that is a christian that has been educated in the church system believes politics and religion should not go together, John
John, Thanks for your reply!
My friend, Politics and Jesus Christ are realities. Religion, (fallen mankind's spiritual philosophies are not.
The point was that conservatives need a saving relationship to Jesus Christ in spirit and truth. Many conservatives are "Christians" and practice the morality of the Bible but sadly many conservatives believe being moral and going to "Church" are what it takes to get one to Heaven. That is the greatest lie (Rom. 3:23,10:2-4, Eph. 2:8-9).
All the realities of the Bible are about to come face to face with this world called the Day of the Lord in which everyone who is living in that period will clearly understand that one must have a personal relationship to God's propitiation (the Lord Jesus Christ) and come to repentance to enter into Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS ETERNITY (Acts 4:12, Rev. 6-19).
I agree there is a time for separation for this world does not want any thing to do with Divine reality but at the point we are at in our nation I believe that any who have called on the Name of Christ as Savior need to point that out to all who are looking for conservative solutions for the Day of conservatism has come to an end here in America and soon will be slaughtered as we enter the Day of Lawlessness (Day of the Lord) -2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 6-19)
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams.
I agree, simply being conservative is not enough.
CJ, That is what they miss. They need a Saving relationship to the Savior (Rom. 10:2-4).
Our nation and all nations need to obey the moral absolutes of time for a healthy society. The total abandonment of them will lead to the tribulation but Messiah will after His return establish moral absolutes for a thousand years and preserve them with a rod of Iron (Rev. 19:11-21).
Neat stuff and wonderful truths!
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