Monday, May 13, 2019

In Our Day What Do You Have To Offer?

My friends, as we look out of the window today at America what do you have to offer its inhabitants? Please do not tell me that you have optimistic conservative values to offer them, for this nation abhors and despises these principles as a vampire does light (John 3:19-21, 2 Cor. 4:3-4). Conservatism (moral and fiscal) is the best ideology for this fallen world for it is based on the moral absolutes instilled into the creation by Almighty God at its creation (Gen. 1:31). When moral absolutes are adhered to, a people or nation will find a healthy society, peace and safety for its inhabitants to dwell in (Isa. 32:17) but when despised and rejected there is only to be found anarchy, lawlessness, violence, hate, rage, poverty, envy, lewdness, war and godlessness... ever destroying and ever corrupting until nothing is left (Gen 6, Rom. 1:18-32).

If you know the Lord as your Savior DO NOT get caught up in or distracted by political debates (Right vs Left.. etc) for any sane remedies which can slow down our EXPONENTIAL national deterioration have long expired.

My friends, please hear me... If you know the Lord as your Savior DO NOT get caught up in or distracted by political debates (Right vs Left.. etc) for any sane remedies which can slow down our EXPONENTIAL national deterioration have long expired. Leave those fights AND debates for the conservative spiritually dead Rush Limbaugh's, Sean Hannity's, Mark Levin's and Michael Savage's who are lost and know not the Savior, for the Day of the Lord is indeed closer than we ever can imagine and zero remedies now are to be found (Matt. 24, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 6-19). Does this appraisal sound like a defeatist attitude to you? Well... it is far from it. We now (as believers) are to choose the proper hill to fight on and like Noah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel of old we are today to speak only of the Savior and the Day of the Lord which is at our door.

Some examples;

A ninety year dying old man does not need to hear a delusional optimistic message that he will get better and that all things will be well for him when he is in the hospice unit and is ready to die. He needs only to hear that his end is soon and that Almighty God has a wonderful hope and saving solution for his soul if he should choose (John 1:12, 3:16-17, Acts. 4:12,16:28-30).

Those upon the Titanic did not need to hear optimistic remedies of how to fix a doomed and sinking ship but rather man the lifeboats and if you missed the lifeboats, Almighty God has provided a Savior for the world beyond that awaits us if you should so choose.

We as a nation - at the absolute end of our journey - do not need to tell people to hope in a lawless agenda which is offered by both political parties. The political fall-out and consequence of our past and present have fully saturated and ravished our inhabitants beyond all repair. The EXPONENTIAL technology of our day is EXPONENTIALLY accelerating our rot as a people and Satan's "Do as thou wilt" godless philosophy is the ideology of our land from top to bottom. Eventually, Conservatives who know not the Lord as their Savior will be wiped out by the fallout of our nation's implosion and those who survive will enter into the Day of the Lord (Matt. 24, Rev. 6-19).

The EXPONENTIAL technology of our day is EXPONENTIALLY accelerating our rot as a people and Satan's "Do as thou wilt" godless philosophy is the ideology of our land from top to bottom.

We started this blog ten years ago and we have seen everything that the Lord has laid upon our hearts to come to pass here in America. Our nation's plagues have never gotten better but only EXPONENTIALLY worse! If you have eyes to see and have been following the Spirit's leading in these trying days then you will understand what we are trying to convey to you. If you have not, then this message which we have put before you will sound like the crazy foolish babblings of a Christian end times zealot and kook.

My dear friends, may we all play the man/women that our Savior has called us to be and do our part as a child of God seeking the Father's will for His glory, ever redeeming to time for indeed our day is evil (Eph. 5:15-16). Use our nation's crises and soon demise to cause people to think and let them know that there is always an ETERNAL wonderful hope in Jesus Christ; for all the prophecies which speak of the end times which are to be found in Almighty God's Word are are about to become REALITY to this godless demonically drunken world and when that time does come they will know that God's messenger was sent unto them (Rev. 6-19). God speed for God's glory!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



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