Monday, October 16, 2023

The EXPONENTAL EQUATION - Who Will Truly Hear the Divine WARNINGS!?

The HORRIFIC ills of our nation are already in supersonic motion moving as a 10,000 ft. tsunami towards our national shore and how can one man or even a remnant of U.S. conservatives stop such a HORRIFIC tsunami??  It takes great blind faith of any individual to believe that any man or any political party can stop and overturn our nation's EXPONENTIAL crisis and reverse our nation's super sonic death spiral. We are at the end and either you will receive these evil tidings or in great delusion receive the lie that its not to late to save America. 

One must look at our day and hour from the EXPONENTIAL perspective! For ALL things globally, lawlessly and technologically are moving, growing and deteriorating at EXPONENTIAL speeds! Leave out this equation and you will be blinded by the demonic narrative of the day!

Like in Noah's days and in Jeremiah's days; so are our days (Gen. 6, Jeremiah 1-16). Almighty God's Divine Judgment in now heavy on our nation and soon on the entire world as the Day of the Lord is at the door (Rev. 6-19)! But who will hear?!! My dear friends, who will hear?? Will you?? There are too many straw men and too many voices of deception that drowned out the voice and cries of REALITY and DIVINE reason! Man's voice and Satan's whisper is more preferred and tolerable to hear than Almighty God's call to repentance and ETERNAL salvation (John 3:16-21).

Like in Noah's days and in Jeremiah's days so are our days (Gen. 6, Jeremiah 1-16). Almighty Divine Judgment in now heavy on our nation and soon on the world as the Day of the Lord is at the door! But who will hear?!!

How can any society survive when moral absolutes are hated, scoffed at and demonized by both political parties? The answer is, “It will not!” Dear friends, anyone with half an inkling has to see the EXPONETIAL growth of lewdness, debauchery and the "in your face gaslighting" while destroying is overwhelmingly sinking this nation  We are way past the point of return and Almighty God's GREAT DAY of WRATH is at hand (Rev. 6-19)! Thus, we now see the final sad state and coming downfall of our once great and highly respected nation (Psalm 11:3, Prov. 14:3). 

Almighty God's Divine Judgment in now heavy on our nation and soon on the entire world as the Day of the Lord is at the door! But who will hear?!! My dear friends, who will hear?? Will you?? 

Many Conservatives these days are aligning themselves with fiscal conservative while ignoring and turning a blind eye to social moral positions. These delusional dreamers are being deceived and are by no means stopping the bleeding of our nation by its abandonment of social-moral conservative absolutes. They are placing ALL their trust in fallen men, a lawless apostate political parties, destructive lawless ideals and are feeding the fire for the demise of our nation, as prophetically predicted by our Founding Fathers.

Tragically, it will be this complete abandonment of social morals that will be America's final demise.

Tragically, it will be this complete abandonment of social morals,which we are seeing EXPONENTIALLY eroding right before our very eyes that will lead to our nation's final demise! My dear friends, we are all ready here! This nation - due to her abandonment of moral absolutes and the soon coming Rapture of the body of Christ - will finally implode on herself, thus opening the door to the entrance of the Four Horsemen and the dreaded Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19). My dear friends, it is absolutely crucial for all individuals to be sure that they personally know the Savior of this doomed and fallen world (John 1:12, 3:16-17, 1 John 5:10-13). This world is headed into the final showdown between lawlessness and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Between Lucifer the fallen angelic creature and the ETERNAL GOD and CREATOR of ALL that is in the heavens and the earth (Rev. 16:13-16). All to the ETERNAL LIFE BOAT! JESUS ETERNALLY SAVES!

My dear friends, the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand! Maranatha Bride!


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