Monday, July 1, 2024

Is the American Great Experiment Coming to an EXPONENTIAL Lawless End?

This Fourth of July we truly have to ask this sobering question; Is the great American experiment coming to a horrific conclusion and an EXPONENTIAL lawless end? You better believe that this is the question many Americans are asking themselves today in great fear. One cannot help to follow what is taking place in our nation and not see the EXPONENTIALLY rooted problems which are springing forth from EXPONENTIAL lawlessness. Perhaps you are a "conservative utopian", one who is unregenerate to Almighty God in RIGHTEOUSNESS, and have faith in the impossible and are optimistic about the unattainable? Fight your "good fight of conservatism" my dear friend but do not trust in it today, for the Day of the Lord is absolutely at hand and none can stop it from arriving (Matt. 24, 1 Thess. 1:5:1-3, 2 Thess. 2:10-12, 1 Tim 4:1-3, 2 Tim 3:1-5, Rev. 6:-19)! No doubt many do not like what I just shared, it takes great courage and strength to look into the eyes of reality in our day. This has been our message for the last fourteen years and all that we have shared and said has come to pass! America has ONLY gotten EXPONENTIALLY worse and lawlessness EXPONENTIALLY abounding! Don't look at America's fiscal achievements, for that is a demonic strawman; but rather look at our ABSOLUTE moral collapse as a nation and then you will begin to see that we are indeed passed the point of no return!

Perhaps you are a "conservative utopian", one who is unregenerate to Almighty God, and have faith in the impossible and are optimistic about the unattainable? Fight your "good fight of conservatism" my dear friend but do not trust in it today, for the Day of the Lord is absolutely at hand!

We have no delight in such things and have done all we can to hold back to the dam, but it is NOW time to hear the Heavenly warnings and to look at the ETERNAL! It is now time for Americans to place their trust in Almighty God's saving grace; for His EXPONENTIAL GREAT DAY is at hand and who will be able to stand in it (Rev. 6-19)? Dear friend, believe, repent and receive this fallen world's ONLY  RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and HOPE, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:12; 3:16-17; 1 John 4:10; 5:10-13; Rev. 3:20)! For without His RIGHTEOUSNESS and PARDON, the RIGHTEOUS WRATH of Almighty God is already abiding on you (John 3:36. Acts 17:24-32)! The WONDERFUL news in all of this is that Almighty God LOVES you and desires that you DO NOT PERISH, but come to Him in faith and repentance, and for you to place your trust in Him! There is ETERNAL HOPE for all who look to the Lord! Be objective and see the ETERNAL, and be no more subjective slaves to this fallen world (2 Cor. 4:2-4, Eph. 2:1-2)! Your ETERNAL future is in Almighty God your RIGHTEOUS Creator; not in the godless thug and fallen angel (Satan) and his earthly tyrannical prison hold (Heb. 2:14-15)!

The WONDERFUL news in all of this is that Almighty God LOVES you and desires that you DO NOT PERISH, but come to Him in faith and repentance, and for you place your trust in Him! There is ETERNAL HOPE for all who look to the Lord! 

Dear friend, conservatism, which is based on the moral laws of Almighty God our RIGHTEOUS Creator has no ETERNAL value apart from a saving relationship to our RIGHTEOUS Creator in Spirit and TRUTH (Isa. 53, 64:6, Rom. 3:23, 6:23; 10:2-4, Eph. 2:8-9)! My dear friend, ask yourself this question, does America truly desire and want Almighty God back in its public square today?  Tragically the majority of Americans do not! However optimistic unregenerate conservatives are not willing to see our day as it is and are more than willing to neglect the ETERNAL perspective of Almighty God and die on the "optimistic hill" that America can be saved! These have willfully neglected to add the "EXPONENTIAL Equation" to their logic and reasoning, while not seeing the EXPONENTIAL rise in lawlessness in our nation. These choose not to see objectively our nation with ALL of its EXPONENTIAL social ills and consequences that presently plague us as a people;  and these will be absolutely shock when the Rapture of the Church takes place and they are left behind without a Divine restraint on the evil and lawlessness in our nation (Psalm 11:3; Prov. 14:34, Isa. 32:17, Rom. 1:18-32, James 3:18, Jude 1:10)!

Everything today relating to America and the world has to be see-through this EXPONENTIAL equation perspective! There is no way and time to repair the EXPONENTIAL tsunami effects of lawlessness which has ravished our nation and today! 

Everything today relating to America and the world has to be see-through this EXPONENTIAL equation perspective! There is no way and time to repair the EXPONENTIAL tsunami effects of lawlessness which has ravished our nation and today! Instead of believing Almighty God and trusting in His Word, we as a nation would rather exclude Him and seek in vain to fix our shattered egg nation on our own. Friends, that reasoning and optimistic thinking is the height of vanity and delusion! Without the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God, we are doomed as a people as other fallen nations from the past have testified to (Psalm 11:3, Prov. 14:34)!

Is the American great experiment coming to a lawless end?

My friend conservative friend, do you know the Lord Jesus as the Bible so clearly, teaches; and do you have His PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS to stand before Him in that Day? The ETERNAL Son of Almighty God has come to set men free from the prison hold of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, to deliver them in RIGHTEOUSNESS, so they may enjoy Him in RIGHTEOUSNESS FOREVERMORE (John 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 2:9; Rev. 21;22:1-5). I do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that! That is what this life is all about! May it be so for you today! You will NEVER be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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