Monday, November 2, 2020

The Two Presidential Candidates with Two Different World Perspectives

So let's look at our two presidential candidates in this 2020 Presidential Race. It is truly no mystery to any who we are addressing without using their names. One candidate's ideology is based on the adherence and practice of Marxism, socialism, critical theory, division, lawlessness, victim status, licentiousness, death and abortion, and the art of demonic gaslighting; while the other candidate's ideology is based on a somewhat belief in Almighty God, a pro-life position, basic morality, personal accountability and responsibility, unity in rightness, law and order, fiscal opportunity and prosperity for all, the American dream for all and the motto; Make America Great Again! 

Two candidates with two different world perspectives, but only one who will preserve and nourish  America in her sunset years. 
Two candidates with two different world perspectives, but only one who will preserve and nourish  America in her sunset years. Do your part, vote for the candidate which again adheres closer to our biblical and Judeo/Christian world perspective, and trust Almighty God to outwork His PERFECT will and way for America! Whatever the result and outcome of the 2020 Presidential election; remember that this world is but a drop in the bucket in light of ETERNITY and it is not our ETERNAL home. Do your part as an American in the presence and fear of Almighty God, but know that this existence here in time is but for a moment. The Day of the Lord and the Kingdom of God are truly at hand and that is where this world is heading at present at light speed (Isa. 11, Dan. 2:43-44, 7:12-14, 1 Thess. 5:1-6, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, 2 Tim. 3:1-7, Rev. 6-19)! In the end, it is all about what we did with Almighty God's Son, our Lamb, and ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:10)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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