The same Bible text also points out that this same city - when Almighty God sent His own people His dearly beloved Son - crucified Him and rejected Him; Who was their Messiah, Savior, King, and the ETERNAL Son of Almighty God!
The same Bible text also points out that this same city - when Almighty God sent His own people His dearly beloved Son - crucified Him and rejected Him; Who was their Messiah, Savior, King, and the ETERNAL Son of Almighty God (Isa. 52:13-15, 53, Dan. 9:26, Matt. 21:33-45, 23:37-39, 27: 24-25, 27:1-54, Luke:13:33, John 1:10-12).
Just with that perspective given by the Holy Spirit, we can totally see that under the Two Witnesses' (i.e. Almighty God's Candlesticks) ministry that they will find GREAT hostility by the Israeli leadership and the people of the land as the Messiah did, who is the TRUE Light of the world when He
came to Israel 2000 years ago (Matt. 12:39, 27:18-25, Acts 2:22-36).
It will be at the end of the Two Witnesses 1260 day ministry that the unbelieving masses of Jews will side with the Beast and partake in his false victory over these Two Messengers (Rev. 11:7-13).
He will be received as a great liberator but little does godless Israel
know that Almighty God's protective hedge is now removed and they are now open for Satan's Beast to decimate Israel and bring about
the HORRIFIC time of Jacob's trouble spoken of by the prophets and the
risen King of Israel (Deut.
4:30, 31:29, Jer. 30:18, Ezek 39:26, Dan. 9:27, 11: 45, 12:1, 11, Zech
13:8-9, 14:1-2, Matt. 24:15-19, Mark 13:14-19, Luke 21:20-24, Rev. 12,
Rev. 13).
It will be Israel's unrepentant heart and hostility against Almighty God's SUPER ABOUNDING mercy and grace (Ezek. 39:26, Matt. 22:1-13, 24:51, Luke 14:15-27, Rev. 11:8) that will then allow and open the HORRIFIC door of GREAT tribulation and Jacob's trouble (Jer.
30:18, Ezek 39:26, Dan. 9:27, 11: 45, 12:1, 11, Zech. 13:8-9, 14:1-2,
Matt. 24:15-19, Mark 13:14-19, Luke 21:20-24, Rev. 12, Rev. 13). It
will be after the death, resuscitation, and ascension of the Two
Witnesses of Almighty God that Almighty God's Divine hedge protecting
Israel will be removed and GREAT HORRIFIC persecution (Demonic and human) will now take place against her (Jer. 30:1-8, Dan. 12:1, Zech. 13:8-9, 14:-2, Matt. 24:15-22, Mark 13:14-20, Luke 21:20-24, Rev. 12:12-17).
The resuscitation and ascension of Almighty God's Two Witnesses before a globally ravished - gleeful, demonically driven, godless world and Israel (Rev. 11:7-12)
will validate without a shadow of doubt ALL of their Divine words of
TRUTH from their 1260 day ministry and ETERNALLY confirm that indeed, "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall REIGN for EVER and EVER - Rev. 11:15"!
All of the Two Witnesses Words have now been absolutely validated and
WILL come to pass and no godless world, the beast or Satan himself can and will EVER stop Messiah's coming reign and their ETERNAL demise (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 14:9-11, Rev. 19:11-21)!
It will be NOW during this last EXPONENTIALLY HORRIFIC "time, times and half a time/forty-two months/1260 days (Dan.12:7, Rev. 12:14, Rev. 13:5) that
Satan, his beast and the nations of the world will seek the absolute eradication of Israel, but most specifically the remnant of Israel and gentile converts who have received the Messiah under the Two Witnesses ministry (Jer. 30:4-8, Dan. 12:1,7, Zech. 13:8-9, 14:1-2, Matt. 24:15-22, Rev. 7, Rev. 14, Rev. 12:5-17).
Israel, because of their FULL rejection of the POWERFUL ministry of
Israel's Moses and Elijah (Almighty God's Two Witnesses) will be now given over to GREAT TRIBULATION and to their reprobate mind (Deut. 4:30, Jer. 30:4-7, Ezek. 39:26, Dan. 9:27, 12:1, Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 11:2, 8)!
During this post Two Witness world, the forty-two-month Satanic global reign of terror against Israel and the redeemed of the nations will be HORRIFIC (Jer. 30:4-7, Zech. 14:1-2, Matt. 24:9-22, Rev. 11:2, 12:13-17)! These forty-two months will seem like decades as Israelis seek to survive this HORRIFIC global purge. For those who were able to flee to the wilderness, they will be SUPERNATURALLY protected and nourished for this time (Rev. 12:14). It will be during this time of Divine protection (Rev. 12:13-17) that those who are Israel's remnant at this place of protection will be nourished in the TRUTHS they have heard from the Two Witnesses of Almighty God and consider their words and ministry. However, it will not be until those who are left of the nation Israel see the Second Coming of the Messiah from Heaven's glory that they will NOW truly comprehend ALL the words of Almighty God's Two Witnesses and then with GREAT contrition, repentance, and weeping will receive Him as their Lamb, Savior and King (Isa. 45:17, 59:20, Jer. 30:4-8, 31:33, Dan. 2:43-44, 7:13-1, Joel 2:32, Zech. 12:10-14, 13:8-9, Mal. 4:4-6, Matt. 17:11, 23:39, 26:63-64, Mark 9:12, 14:62, Rom. 11:26, Rev. 1:7, 19:11-21).
My dear friends in conclusion we have tried to point out through many Bible verses is that the Two Witnesses (who are Moses and Elijah)
are absolutely crucial in understanding end-time prophecy. Leave these
Two out and many prophetic theories will collapse including Daniel 9:27. The seven-year tribulation is all about Almighty God dealing with Israel (Dan. 9) and restoring that nation to their Divine purpose and covenant promises Almighty God made with their Fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel). It will be these Two Witnesses who arrive after the Rapture of the Body of Christ, that will be used greatly by the ETERNAL Holy Spirit of Almighty God to tell an EXPONENTIAL godless, technological and lawless world that the Day of the Lord is nowhere and the Kingdom of Heaven is indeed at hand! (Zech. 4:1-6, John 16:8-12, Rev. 11:4)
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
It will be after the death, resuscitation, and ascension of the Two
Witnesses of Almighty God that Almighty God's Divine hedge protecting
Israel will be removed and GREAT HORRIFIC persecution (Demonic and
human) will now take place against her.

It will be Israel's unrepentant heart and hostility against Almighty God's SUPER ABOUNDING mercy and grace that will then allow and open the HORRIFIC door of GREAT tribulation and Jacob's trouble.
resuscitation and ascension of Almighty God's Two Witnesses before a
ravished - gleeful, demonically driven, godless world and Israel will
validate without a shadow of doubt ALL of their Divine words of
TRUTH of their 1260 day ministry and ETERNALLY confirm that indeed, "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall REIGN for EVER and EVER!"

Israel, because of their FULL
rejection of the POWERFUL ministry of Israel's Moses and Elijah
(Almighty God's Two Witnesses) will be now given over to GREAT
TRIBULATION and to their reprobate mind.
During this post Two Witness world, the forty-two-month Satanic global reign of terror against Israel and the redeemed of the nations will be HORRIFIC (Jer. 30:4-7, Zech. 14:1-2, Matt. 24:9-22, Rev. 11:2, 12:13-17)! These forty-two months will seem like decades as Israelis seek to survive this HORRIFIC global purge. For those who were able to flee to the wilderness, they will be SUPERNATURALLY protected and nourished for this time (Rev. 12:14). It will be during this time of Divine protection (Rev. 12:13-17) that those who are Israel's remnant at this place of protection will be nourished in the TRUTHS they have heard from the Two Witnesses of Almighty God and consider their words and ministry. However, it will not be until those who are left of the nation Israel see the Second Coming of the Messiah from Heaven's glory that they will NOW truly comprehend ALL the words of Almighty God's Two Witnesses and then with GREAT contrition, repentance, and weeping will receive Him as their Lamb, Savior and King (Isa. 45:17, 59:20, Jer. 30:4-8, 31:33, Dan. 2:43-44, 7:13-1, Joel 2:32, Zech. 12:10-14, 13:8-9, Mal. 4:4-6, Matt. 17:11, 23:39, 26:63-64, Mark 9:12, 14:62, Rom. 11:26, Rev. 1:7, 19:11-21).
It will be these Two Witnesses who arrive after the Rapture of the Body
of Christ who will be used greatly by the ETERNAL Holy Spirit of
Almighty God to tell an EXPONENTIAL technological, lawless world that
the Day of the Lord is now here and the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Jesus went to the mountain to pray with 2 of his disciples just then moses and elijah appeared the one said we will build 3 temples for each of you just then moses and elijah disappeared and god said in a loud voice "This is my son HEAR HIM!"
That's right my friend and in the future (Rev.11) they will ONLY lift up the ETERNAL Lamb of Almighty God to the world, who is ETERNAL Word of God! They will say to the world, Hear Him!
Rev. 1:17-18!
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