Saturday, April 20, 2019

Doubtng Thomas to Witness Thomas

Finally one last thought. Remember doubting Thomas, who was foolish Thomas until he repented and believed when he saw the resurrected Christ (John 20:24-29)? Thomas upon repenting and believing went from doubting Thomas to convinced Thomas and was a mighty witness of the resurrection of His Lord and God in India and was martyred because of that witness!

Remembered what Jesus stated to Thomas? "Thomas because thou has seen Me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed (John 20:29)." 

Thomas upon repenting and believing went from doubting Thomas to convinced Thomas and was a mighty witness of the resurrection of His Lord and God in India and was martyred because of that witness!
The greatest witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the testimony and witness of the early church (Acts). Why would the disciples of Jesus Christ go forth and preach what they knew to be a lie at a great cost of persecution, prison and even death? There was no money to be gain nor fame to be had, there was no earthly kingdom to create nor gratifications of the flesh to be received. So why would these put it all on the line for a BIG FAT LIE? My friends, they wouldn't! The resurrection of Jesus Christ is still a POWERFUL witness to our world of today! Even in our Laodicean age of EXPONENTIAL technological advances, media of unbelief, there are multitudes of believers in Jesus Christ, who by faith preach and testify to the risen Savior of the world; many even have given their lives for Christ's name  (Rev. 3:14-22).

What about you my dear friend? Will you choose to remain a fool of unbelief or a wise man of belief? Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, ALL who place their trust in Him will NEVER die and will have the forgiveness of sin and ETERNAL LIFE (John 11:25, 14:6, Rev. 1:5, 17-18)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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