Today there are absolutely no shortages of godless women in our post-Judeo/Christian American culture as we have seen with the Washington D.C." women's" marches. These women occupy all of society’s genres from politics to Hollywood, from the music industry to the fashion world, from the faculty lounge to the masses. They are very outspoken, defiant and preach a very subtle and poisonous delusion of toxic liberation and freedom by the application and adherence of lawlessness, immorality, tolerance and political correctness; none of which can bring TRUE fulfillment, only social tyranny (Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 6:7-8). Since the sixties, the women of America have become heavily indoctrinated by godless secularism! This indoctrination has radically changed this nation's population of women into godless, licentious, narcissistic, angry, baby killing and lewd individuals. Society - even here in America - has always had its social problems, but the masses in general always adhered to an objective morality based on the Bible and it's Judeo/ Christian values. American society (in general) since our founding had always frowned upon lewdness and moral secularism.
Since the sixties, the women of American have become heavily indoctrinated by secularism and they have changed dramatically into godless, licentious, narcissistic, angry and lewd individuals.
It was after the American civil war that our American culture began to break away from the healthy social restraints of Judeo/Christianity that once had preserved our nation and its family unit. It was at this time that secularism and human rationalism began to seep into our society. As time went on, we began to see the seduction of this ideology on the women of America and though women did deserve more personal rights and freedoms as granted by Almighty God and the Constitution, a group of lawless women pushed and sought the extreme end of this spectrum, which was lawless, unhealthy, toxic and enslaving to its posterity.
Today we have seen where this extreme and harmful secular feminism has taken us to and what and who it has produced. This godless ideology has infiltrated all aspects, genres, and traditions of our once-great American society and those who have joined its legions have been a fifth column sabotage unit in a war to destroy America and all that has made her great. Tragically these godless women of America have been co-labors right along with fallen man’s lawless bent, sexual rebellion, unbridled passions and have raised the bar of depravity to levels unimaginable, even to the point of succeeding in their mission to redefine and legitimize the demonization of America’s once healthy social order, morality and even Almighty God (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:7,10). At the heart of this lawless liberation that these women seek is the liberation from the Laws of Nature and it's ETERNAL Creator!
This godless ideology has infiltrated all aspects, genres, and traditions of our once-great American society and those who have joined its legions have been a fifth column sabotage unit in a war to destroy America and all that has made her great.
Tragically here in America, these women have gone right along redefining morality, virtue and etiquette and have sold themselves to be willing accomplices with godless man in the indoctrination of a whole entire generation (Rom. 1:18-32). These cultural Marxist and secular feminist deviants who come across as social "angels of light" have transformed themselves into an army of elite intellectuals, social justice crusaders, armed with Alinskyite tactics, sexual appeal and a subjective hatred of Judeo/Christian values. They are cruel, sophisticated, well dressed and well educated, groomed and godless and have become the subtle secular trendsetters whose vindictive mindset and passion is to overturn ALL that Almighty God and Judeo/Christianity stands for here in America (Rom. 1:18-32). The overwhelming majority of these women are not from the slums of society. They have not been raised in poor and meager settings, but are from some of the richest families, well privileged and lacking nothing. They have been raised and bred with an instilled hatred of true Americanism in them and in their heart of hearts are in a continual war with our nation’s founding principles, conservatism, the Constitution, moral absolutes and absolutely despise all that Almighty God (the Creator) stands for (Rom. 1:18-32). In these last 50 years we have seen the EXPONENTIAL rise of these elitist godless women in our nation to the point of obtaining respectability and normality and this lawless spirit has come to dominate our Judeo/ Christian heritage which has led our nation to the brink of destruction (2 Tim 3:1-7, Jude 1:10).
My dear friend, Satan is no dope or buffoon. He is a diabolical genius who fully comprehends the inner workings of Adam’s fallen race and knows how to perfectly play humanity like a fiddle to fulfill all of his demonic anti-God agenda (Isa. 14:12-15, Matt. 4:9, Eph. 2:2-3, Rev. 13:4). He is a human hunter and a destroyer and knows exactly what bait to use to bring down a culture and society which has had the Bible and Almighty God in its beginnings and founding (John 8:44). As one reads through the biblical account of Adam’s fallen race, one satanic tactic is always used and tragically is 95% effective! That demonic tactic is to corrupt the woman's moral bearings and use her sexual appeal to seduce, corrupt and bring down a godly or even a godless social order; and to render that society useless for Almighty God’s plan and out working for it (Rom. 1:18-32). The woman was used in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3). She was used to corrupt the holy seed of Seth in the pre-flood world (Gen. 6), She was used to derail Sampson (Judges 16), David (2 Sam. 11, 12:1-13), Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-11) and the nation of Israel (Num. 25, Ezra 9:1-2) and the Church (Rev. 2:20-22). Almighty God’s Word gives ample warning for the man to guard ones heart and fallen nature from the ways and traps of the godless women (Proverbs 6) while instructing the man to find a godly and virtuous woman for the health and betterment of society (Prov. 31:10-31). We have seen – in the last 50 years - with our own eyes the horrific ramifications and social fallout that has taken place here in America when the woman has abandoned and forsaken her Divine calling (Prov. 31:10-31). One of these horrific results has been the murder and barbaric infanticide of 55 million unborn children since 1973 under the euphemistic title of "choice".
That demonic tactic is to corrupt the woman and use her sexual appeal to seduce, corrupt and bring down a godly or even a godless social order and to render that society useless for Almighty God’s plan and out working for it.
We have seen since the beginning of the social and sexual revolution here in America that the American man has been made base, feminine and weak by the subtle charms of the lawless intellect, licentious behavior, dominating spirit and position in the new social order of our post-Judeo/Christian culture. Satan’s hand is all over this! Tragically with this rise of the godless woman and the promotion of secular feminism here in America, there has come a ravishing price tag for this delusional “liberation”. The American woman of today is plagued with compounding guilt, personal unfulfillment, sex, drug and alcohol addiction, plaguing STD’s, physical abuse, deep dark depression, psychological trauma, rage, hatred, bitterness, a vindictive spirit, and emotional instability. They are personally unfulfilled and spiritually vacant (Gal. 6:7,8). These women have drunk the lawless kool-aid of the secular liberation movement's message and have been sold a demonic bill of wares. They have forsaken and rebelled against Almighty God’s Divine purpose and design for them and it has affected them all according to their own personal application of this secular and lawless ideology. Tragically they have become shipwrecked on the lawless shores of godlessness and have been reaping the lawless consequences continually (Gal. 6:7-8). Instead of humbling themselves to the love, mercy and the grace of Almighty God they have tragically only hardened their hearts and have become bitter and even more vile in their manner of living.
Almighty God created the woman to be finer than the man. She was created to balance the dominant nature of man, to hold him accountable, to be his helpmeet, to be loving, motherly, caring, compassionate and the anchor of the Divine design of the family unit (Almighty God being the bedrock) - Prov. 31: 10-31, Matt. 7:24-26). One can always tell the temperature of a culture and society by the state and condition of its women. When women are in a right relationship with Almighty God and adhere to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God there is a healthy restraint, order and harmony in a fallen society, to preserve it and to keep it from corruption. Since 1962 - when prayer and Almighty God was removed from our nation’s schools - the lawless dam here in America has broken wide open and the American woman has been swept away and has been its greatest victim. The delusional and lawless ambitions for godless liberation have only shackled these women with iron battleship chains and have self-imposed a lawless tyranny upon themselves (Gal. 6:7-8).
When women are in a right relationship with Almighty God and adhere to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God there is a healthy restraint, order, and harmony in a fallen society, to preserve it and to keep it from corruption.
Let’s just take a look at what makes up the many-faceted genres (socially, politically, culturally) which the American godless woman of today out works her existence. The godless American women of today (in general) practice a moral relativistic mindset and can be found in all areas within the cultural spectrum (some more extreme than others). She is reprobate in all moral absolute logic. She is godless in her ideology. She is humanly subjective in all of her worldly opinions; she’s ignorant, brutish, callus, blind and foolish. She is driven by personal ambition, envy, jealousy, anger and rage. She is vindictive, spiteful and merciless to any who oppose her lawless mindset and will destroy, ravish and slander any who challenge her lawless ideals. She is always a victim in her mind and must have retribution. She champions and exercises compassion for lawless and godless causes while expressing zero compassion for moral and godly ones. She has been hardened by the consequences of her lawless ways. She is – at her heart – unhappy, self-loathing and miserable. She is lewd, rude and licentious even though she may seem moderate in her opinions. She has given herself over to the unbridled passions of her fallen nature and has become callous to shame and never blushes. She is a hypocrite, always masquerading her godless intentions with a compassionate facade. She is a hunter of men’s souls, a destroyer of families, a murder of the unborn, she prostitutes her humanity for lawlessness, she is a promoter of social and moral lawlessness and anarchy. She is guided by an illogical, unstable and unbalanced emotional roller coaster and is always hypocritical while seeking to be sincere (Isa. 5:20, Rom. 1:18-32). Her mindset and abandonment of the Laws of Nature and of Natures God have opened her up to be influenced and used by the god of this world (John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:2-3).
The godless American women of today (in general) practice a moral relativistic mindset and can be found in all areas within the cultural spectrum (some more extreme than others).
We have seen in our society of today and in our past women who have taken on this mindset and have been the leading cultural trendsetters in the ways of lawlessness. Though, many vary in their positions of secular feminism these women have had the greatest negative impact on our Judeo/ Christian culture.
Margret Sanger, Madelyn Murray O’Hare, Jane Fonda, Liz Taylor, Karmela Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Clinton, Madonna, Michele Obama, Janeane Garofalo, Rachel Maddow, Rosie O'Donnell, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Sandra Fluke, Elisabeth Warren, Angeline Jolie, Ophra Winfrey, Lady Gaga, Beyonce etc... etc...
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A spiritual picture of a lawless woman. |
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!
A Tale of Two Women
The Extinction of the Godly Woman

"Wow. This is one of the most stunningly powerful and courageously truthful essays I have ever read, anywhere" commet on Free Republic
Bravo I agree totally.
A genuine example of speaking truth to (earthly) power
A most excellent post.
For another who gets it and challenges the cult of woman check out Dalrock's blog
Jonah and A1,
God be praised! To God be the glory my friends! To God be the glory!
Two mistakes - one is the Judeo-Christian fiction and the other fiction is that God and Satan are men...
Come do you really feel? :)
I too have been moved by this piece. Margret Sanger to Madonna, yes completely bought and sold for thirty pieces of silver.
The question!
Are we willing to pray and fast for the delivery of our nations women?
Confronting the mind-set of today's "N.Pelosi's" is going to take help from the Divine...and in a very tangible way. An Illumination of Conscience! Consciences that are formed and nurtured by Almighty God, not by the false gods of radical feminism.
Please Pray for A GLOBAL ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE. That we can restore a love of God and Natures Law, that's missing in many a man & woman's heart.
Found it interesting that the writer left out, perhaps, the most powerful marxist feminist of them all in our time....Michelle Obama.
It is so easy to blame one segment of society for all of that society's ills whether
it be based on ethnic background, race, religion, gender etc
This is an angry, misogynistic and distorted piece of writing. Please examine the underlying hostility towards women in this article.
Let's treat one another with the dignity and respect offered to us as children of our loving God.
The author's omission of Michelle Obama was just an oversight.
Sorry as a women who lived the lie and now free, I really beg to differ. I am witnessing the American Women today has successfully emasculated their American men. This has nothing to do with all your politically correct labels. It's about the True purpose of man and women in God's Divine Will.
The truth is hard to hear. There is no "underlying hostility" here. I agree with this author. I have worked with people in a very personable way for the past 40 years, right from college. Everyday that went by, every week, month, year, I watched a slow cultural & moral decline. Woman are superior beings created for greatness, but they again have taken & eaten of the apple & have fallen into a deeper abyss of moral & cultural decadence. So as the woman goes, so goes the family, the ONLY building block of a society, then goes society it's self & on & on...... so a once great & moral society is now gone. Let's not let this happen.
Just these days, the Vatican has addressed LCWR, i.e., the responsible leadership, about past problems. See or - for better printing out- - April...
Dignity & respect of what? How about some sincerity & speaking directly to the problem. Instead of avoiding what's in front of our faces it is past time to speak out on what has happened & is happening in our society. I appreciate the authors brutal honesty. It might not be comfortable to hear...but it is nonetheless true.
Words I have felt for many years are now on paper for all to see! IMHO This is truly the foundation of our problem with America today. This is where we should start as a nation to begin to heal. It is the family unit that has been attacked that is now non existent in our communities. I too pray for a speedy Illumination of Conscience, I don't think we can survive much longer without it.
This is hard hitting, but American women have rejected their God given roles. Wanting to be "liberated" they have forsaken marriage, religious doctrine, and their own gift of child bearing. It is women who have allowed men to use them, it is women who have left the safety of the Christian life, it is women who walk into abortions clinics to abort their children. A government check is not the same as a loving husband. Social media is not the same as forgiveness of God. Abortion is not family planning. We believe lies because they assuage are consciences.
As a wife and mother, I am often discouraged and saddened by the godless women who surround me. It is getting more difficult to raise our daughters (and sons) when these women are not good role models.And I mean even at church! It is difficult for many women to find kind, gentle Christian female friends. The brashness, narcissistic and angry demeanor of many feminists is a very sad reality. I cherish the few good role models and female friends that I know. They are true gems.
Adam was to have corrected Eve, yet he fell to her allure and disobeyed God! Let us all turn to the New Adam Jesus and the New Eve Mary, and beg for the courage to purify our lives. If men would defend their wives, correct them, and teach their daughters,and together give up that which allures, the tv programs and ads, the newspaper ads (especially the loaded underwear ads in the Sunday paper - sadly viewed even before many attend Church), the constant images on the phones and internet, and seek what is good, holy and truly beautiful. Women are often enslaved by cosmetics and certain dress (younger and younger) and maintaining an image they think will make them happy, or perhaps they have to uphold to "keep" their husbands. As age progresses, oppression sets in. As men look away, women becomes bitter; as men are allured, women fill the void with whatever, power, possessions, idols (even idolizing/advancing their children without seeking the Will of God for them, but finding their own exaltation through them). Lovingly we must correct eachother, confess whole-heartedly and help oneanother to love God and one another with purity (God's Grace)then can we experience peace. Fiat!
This author has told the precise and hard truth. As a devout Christian I have witnessed the downfall of some other women into an open rebellion against God. The only thing missing in the article is the fact that these lawless, ungodly women always seem to become involved in some way with a form of the occult and pagan. They really are "witches" in the truest sense of the word.Some one else who belongs on that list of the "infamous" is Katharine Hepburn and her mother. The evil teachings and practices of those two puts them there.Promoting birth control, abortion ,adultery and complete selfishness were their bywords. Hepburns wealthy mother would go into the slums and tell the women there to get sterilizations/abortions instead of telling her own husband to pay a decent, livable wage to their husbands. Amazing, isn't it, how arrogance and greed can unite both a lawless man and a lawless woman into a "marriage" Their daughter, Katharine,after living their morality, died without issue.I think that's the end of that immediate line.
The same is true of the women in the UK. For example, I have experience of a woman as old as 80, a grandmother drinking too much, and worse yet, encouraging her son to treat women in a despicable way. Also encouraging him to break up his very long marriage (he converted to Catholicism) so he could run off with another woman. I once heard her say that she believed people should just keep divorcing till they found the right one to make them happy! It seems that over here, age does not stop them from holding opinions one would believe unthinkable in the elderly and living a certain unwholesome way although they are so close to coming to the end of their lives. All they think of is enjoying themselves. Women are the key to creating a morally upright tone for their families. We need the Blessed Mother now more than ever. Virgin most pure, pray for us!
most of these posts are written by the same:Anonymous! What does that say?
As Christians, we must thoroughly convince ourselves that, as Christ revealed to us, “our kingdom is not of this world”. Life here is an audition for what is to come. We have chosen our “character”, an imitation of Christ, and desire to live in eternity with Him through a grateful performance here according to the biblical “script” we have been given.
However, when we look at history and see how the world treated Jesus (as in “The Passion Christ”) can we then really expect anything better? We can be assured many will want us to be “handed over”, ridiculed, and persecuted for our imitation of Him as it is not acceptable here. The evil one, the Deceiver, is still at large at this time and will not tolerate allegiance to the Creator’s rules or His Son’s teachings. The rule of Satan here is to be content with the way things are because this is it, this is all there is to it, make the most of it however you can, no restraints to your human desires, be all you can be, do unto others as it pleases you to do. Don’t deny yourself; deny God, deny eternal love, deny the cross, deny eternity. And many are those who do just that.
“Many are called, few are chosen.”
“Be ye perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Without Him we are nothing but we believe that with Him all things are possible.
One thing we must remember is this; we are in a battle for the souls of men whom God desires to be returned to Him. We are at war! There is no retreating or deserting. We are guaranteed victory but not casualties. Our only weapon is the Truth and every sacrifice or wound is in honor of it. Maintaining its power and might within us requires consistent prayer, meditation, and devotion to our duty and His just cause. Be sworn to do all that will be asked of you for we can also be assured that our “leadership” can not fail and our “reward” will not be taken from us.
Standing for Christ is standing by Him. Standing by Him is standing by His Word. He has said “he who is not with me is against me” and again “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”. Our strength must be in Him for we are but human and the enemy, the deceiver, is very strong, like a wild beast set to devour his prey. However, Jesus rebuked him three times with but the “Word” alone and sent him on his way. Gods Word is truth. It is our eternal weapon and our shield never to be forgotten, never to be overcome. Lord, we pray that you will give us wisdom to know you, a heart to love you, and the will to serve you for we have put our trust in you and your word. Our lives are now in your almighty hands.
Oh virgin mother Mary most pure and full of grace, God’s promise for mankind has been fulfilled in your acceptance to be his chosen one to bring forth his divine mercy by your complete obedience to his will through and with his beloved Son our Lord Jesus
To see just how far we've fallen, check out the #1 best seller on Amazon: Fifty shades of Grey, evidently made popular by soccer moms! I was first made aware of it from an excellent article by Spengler entitled: Japan's lost libido and America's asexual future. Spengler is really David Goldman who is the former editor of First Things magazine.
America is doomed. Paypack time is soon for america's 50 million surgical abortions and one billion contraceptive abortions.
Good Bye America. You truly deserve God's judgment.
Go look at Prohibition in the U.S. Many women united against the consumption of alcohol because their men folk were drinking up their paychecks, dragging home to abuse their families & then living as sots or dying young -- leaving their families to struggle or die. None of us live in a vacuum. Where I grew up, there was such profound misogyny -- hatred for women -- and it was completely taken for granted. A man could beat or murder a woman, for any reason, whether he knew her or not -- & it would be handled in court as a minor crime of passion. He'd serve time, be released & get on with his life. But, if a woman, for any reason, injured or killed a man -- her treatment is most severe. She is unnatural. Horrid example: wives who murdered their husbands in self-defense are in solitary confinement, many in life sentences. That's how they get on with their lives. John Lennon called it: "Women are the niggers of the world." So you insist that American women are the downfall of this nation. Well, thank you very much! Must women then endlessly uphold perfect moral rectitude while they are ignored, trivialized, marginalized, underpaid, harassed, abused, raped, sodomized & killed? You very conveniently ignore the social context we are living in. Excuse me for wanting better for myself, other women & society as a whole. This article is extremely deficient in Truth & in Love. God have mercy on you & the Blessed Mother help you to grow up.
I'm not you. Can you conceive that there are other people - with opinions different than your own?
I've always thought that Satan tricked the first woman and that is how he will try to take down the world this time. But Jesus redeemed us and no matter how hard Satan tries he will be overcome by Jesus and His Most Holy Mother Mary. The Rosary can save us.
You missed something huge.
Katharine Hepburn had a pernicious affair with a married man, a Catholic man of prominent social stature, the actor Spencer Tracy. This yielded years and years of horrible horrible pain for his real wife and no doubt his child who I believe was deaf. I applaud your comments. I know you mention adultery but in fact this was a public adulterous affair that made fornication look like it was NOT a sin, but glamorous and acceptable, the hand mark of the evil one. Misleading the little ones angers Our Lord. We should pray for the repose of these souls. Our Lord grieves over His lost sheep.
Also, this blog would not take my Word Press name, An Avid Follower and A Lady. I am not anonymous.
It's all true. When women try to control & emasculate men, men in turn despise them and view them as objects of pleasurable fullfillment only; initially use them for sex & subsequently abandon them. Women should be the heart of the family, but when they try to control their husbands, he'll often submit - and then cheat. It isn't about the sex, but about striking back. Of course, it's a sin & everyone loses, especially the kids. The family Rosary IS the answer.
a great and moral society? is anybody here a history major? we've been through some of the most terrible, barbarous, heinous times, and nowhere in judeo-christian history do i find this idealized society. i wholly agree with this first anonymous comment - you cannot take one segment of a global society (because we have, indeed, exported our myths to the far corners of the world)and call it responsible for moral degradation. and i'm a christian. as in, i try to do what i think Christ would do - not the fist-shaking, wine-goblet-slopping, jewelry-clad, righteous blowhards of his day. :)
judeo-christian society is deteriorating. there is no stopping it. we're going to experience a major sea change in the way religion functions in society. we're just beginning to see it. and for as many flaws and evils are inherent in a secular society, there is an embarrassing and deeply flawed history to judeo-christian faith as well. neither is a perfect way, in the same way pure capitalism or pure socialism doesn't work.
what happens in the universe is a law called entropy. everything tends towards destruction and sameness. the universe seeks to homogenize itself. what we will find coming in the next century is a fusion of science and religion. as people continue to tear down the old walls, they are simultaneously seeking new ways to express their spirituality and their sense of God, the divine, whatever they may want to call it. this is because the true Almighty God can never be eradicated, any more than you could stop the universe. if you truly were to extract one component of the universe, the entire thing would implode. people will always be yearning for love and light. they will always find the way to express it.
i don't agree with everything that the "modern woman" stands for, if it's about lack of God and christian values and killing unborn children, no, of course not. but that is an oversimplified and one-sided look at the advances women have made. satan will get in anywhere he can. men have a weakness for women because of sex, and so men can be fooled. this is why we have mythic figures like the sirens and the medusas. it behooves us to train our men to stay vigilant and be aware of their appetites. this is where we need the restraints, and this is why the world has been shifting to keep itself in balance, as it will always do - men have risen as caregivers and nurturers and keepers of faith. it is simply where we are at in this temporal life, and it matters what each one of us does with it, not in how we police everyone or everything else in the name of something we can only begin to scarcely comprehend. i will never presume to know God's plan to proselytize it to someone else. i will live according to my understanding of God and help those i can around me and be the best example i can be.
Tsk tsk tsk. Explain why there are men of any age, who delight in "jumping the bones" of any woman -- but particularly the INNOCENT. They delight in destroying virginity. How does a virgin, especially a very young & innocent girl, deal with this? Where is you / our concern for her existence?
Yes yes yes! More of this view please! Let us work together & be reconciled. Help bear one anothers burdens as we go on our way to God!
After studying Genesis, I thought that the story was re-edited to dump all blame on EVE (cherez la femme!) & show Adam as a dupe, led by the scheming woman into sin. And the scriptures written on her retribution (suffer in childbirth, dependent on husband) have been used for generations to justify abuse of all kinds: 'women deserve to suffer.' Not much there about love.
Do you realize that Story of the Fall in Genesis -- shows the diminution of RELATIO? The relationship between God & humanity, mirrored in the diminution of the relationship between men & women?
The view of the battlefield is wrong. Men & women should not be fighting each other, polarizing. Where we are polarized, you must examine Why. There is history here, which anyone who is oppressed remembers, whenever these discussions occur. Yes, pray the Rosary, but think - & have compassion for others.
Jesus pursues all of us - the strong & the weak, the smart & the stupid, the isolated & the gregarious. He's after all of us - the churched & the unchurched, the happy & the sad. Jesus wants me, Jesus wants you, Jesus wants everyone.
What the hell are you talking about?
Rot gut! we've been treeating all immorality in this country with kid gloves for too many decades! If essays like this are not written, then people like you will perpetuate the problem, all in the name of "compassion." Are you a Unitarian by any chance?
Now that is one attention getting title!
Um, and who ran the Inquisition???
Who are the presidents of the US?
Who started and fought in all the wars long before Women's Lib? Who goes into foreign countries and steals their natural resources in order to make a profit? Who are the villains on Wall Street???
Puhleeze. Let's have some balance here! You all are misogynists and probably, half of you are gay, to hate women so much and to agree without balance.
And he did mention Michele. Some of you can't even read. No wonder you don't know the word, "balance."
Actually she was mentioned.
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world--so it has been said. Except that women are not rocking the cradle--they march lock step into abortuaries where they paid a hired killer, called an abortionist, to rip their unborn son or daughter limb from limb from their womb. Their own children! Mothers murdering their children in the tens of millions. What can be expected from women and a society that tolerates this? Women have turned their backs on their feminity and motherhood; they want to be free to be as debauched and depraved as any man. But we are not 'wired' that way and so depression is rampant. No high paycheck can fill the void. Women are more used and abused now under the guise of 'freedom' than ever. No respect, no commitment, no love are now the lot of so many. How many settle for serial 'relationships' with live-in lovers who don't really love them but lust them? And if children are born, they are too often abused by the live-in lovers. So many have no father in their lives and suffer their whole life long for the lack.
Women! Wake up! Modesty and chastity are virtues and no happiness will be found outside of virtue. If women want to settle for passing pleasures and the use of cancer causing steroid hormones and the murder of their unborn...well the society will continue to unravel.
All of you who are married to a man with a good career, if you have a job, DROP IT! Make your job available to a dad who is out of work! Learn to live more simply!! Take care of your children. They are your responsibility- not the nanny or day care center employee! Your children need you! Don't let our corrupt society raise your children. Never underestimate the power of motherhood!!!
Where is Jesus in this equation?
The reason why godless women are becoming more powerful is because the fallen female angels are helping them, it is also the reason why by in large there are more women practising the occult as this is how they connect with these fallen angels. In Revelation Satan is in heaven nagging God for the souls of humans especially those that are worshipping God.
When the fallen male angels were locked up in Hades because they created the half breeds between human and angels (now because they have no bodies are called demons or unclean spirits), there were only the female fallen angels left.
Except for those that worship the God of Israel, the most powerful dieties of other religions are usually the female gods(fallen female angels). Below is an account of Satan, note we know Satan was the cause for all the sin in the world and that which is shut in the basket is female.
Notice also it is two female angels that take her away.
Zechariah 5
The Vision of the Woman in the Basket
5 The angel appeared again and said, Look! Something else is coming!
6 What is it? I asked.
He replied,
It is a basket, and it stands for the sins of the whole land.
7 The basket had a lid made of lead. As I watched, the lid was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman!
8 The angel said, This represents wickedness. Then he pushed her down into the basket and put the lid back down.9 I looked up and saw two women flying toward me with powerful wings like those of a stork. They picked up the basket and flew off with it.
Yes, Michelle Obama's name is there.
Unfortunately, everything you have said is true. I often wonder what my Irish grandmother would say if she were alive today. I am amazed in the changes in our culture from when I was a child until now. I would be very discouraged except that I know who wins in the end. God will have the final word. I can't wait.
All posts written by the same person. I think not. It's just easier to log on as "anonymous." What's bugging you
You silly people you are all modern wemon, anyone alive today and is female is a modern woman. There was nothing wrong with the original wemons movement, equal pay for equal work, the right to take out a loan whether that is to buy a car or a house, that your parents can leave you inheritance, not just leaving it to the boys, really blaming all of societies problems on admin is no different than blaming all of societies problems on blacks or Jews or any other group u like to think of. Still in this world all law making and the most powerful and those manipulating and therefore controlling our society sorry guys it is still men. Now is the time to wake up, war whether it is between countries or man and woman, the most basic of all relationships, is never the answer. Until we all live under the law of The Christ, we will not find that peace and harmony that we long for, open your eyes, grow up and stop being part of the problem.
I agree wholeheartedly with the author, but at the same time would like to acknowledge all of those Godly women who day in and day out continue to fight in the trenches. Thank you to all of those Godly women who go against the flow of modernism and relativism and witness to the truly unique gifts that God has blessed you with.
Thanks to everyone (pro and con) for their comments and feed back! A most excellent discussion!
To God be the Glory!
David (the Ignorant Fisherman)
I agree with your post. The high ideals of the Founding fathers did not march in step to the harsh reality that our country was built on the backs of slaves and indentured servants on land brutally taken by force from Native Americans. We cannot undo the past pain and suffering of so many, including women and children, but we can attempt to stop the seeds of prejudice and intolerance before they become the new norm. As I said in my first post, let's treat one another with the dignity and respect offered to us as children of our loving God.
I would not mate or bear the children of a man who would deny a woman an education, her own mind and her voice to speak her mind. There are men out there who value women in their own right, who value a woman's ability to think for herself,and do not seek to control their every thought or deed. These are the men who's genetics should be carried forward. These are the men who's daughters would be proud to call father.
Women ran away from God after men chose to become predators instead of protectors. When this choice became common in the 1960's, especially with the wide spread use of artificial contraception, the painful reaction in the 1970's was liberation and lesbianism (think N.O.W.). Nothing will improve until men again become protectors of women and promoters of virtues, especially virginity, and the complete rejection of recreational sex in and outside of marriage. I find it most interesting that in the book of Enoch (referenced by the bible) that the "wickedness" in the "days of noah" included contraception. Men, read it and then re-assess your holiness.
Double amen.
Ditto and lets not forget it is always men who start wars, and men never listen to women anyway & they did not during your so called wonder age of the 40's and 50's. Horrible times. If this is your God then I want nothing to do with it.
The only way men can shut down women's victimization of men is to put a burka on them for their daring to be penis teasers and deny them any education whatsoever or contraception. You need to get the upper hand and show them who is boss of this world. They were created by God to be servants of men. They have been getting uppity in this America and Canada and you need to start slapping them around a bit. They will understand a good beating. Spare the rod, spoil the woman. I'm tired of these penis teasers thinking they have a brain. This is one view that Catholics and Islam can shake handS over. We, Islam, know how to keep women in line. Catholics dropped the ball on this one. You need to chain them up inside your house or cast them out as the true harlots they are essentially. The only good woman is one who obeys her man and church, no questions asked. They shouldn't be out making a living like a man but be inside the house depending on the man for food, clothing and shelter. This is what God intended.
Go back to your musty, dark cave and offer your wife a pillow for her feet. Then set aside your Koran, crack open a bible, and read about what true love and sacrifice is.
You Islamists will have much to answer for before almighty God.
Women, using the feminist 'manifesto' have utterly failed in their stated purpose. The world has NOT become more human, not more caring of children, the weak, the sick, the elderly. NOTHING good has been achieved other than the ability to participate in the economic life, and IMHO this would have happened anyway, since the powers that be wanted to tax all adults in the family, not just men. Its been a huge deception from the beginning and has done huge damage destroying families and society.
I will say this, while I find it wrong and disturbing what the Taliban did, "to Stone women etc". You are Real World Correct what the "Women's Empowerment movements have done(Feminism Lead and Orchestrated) the same nice 84 year old woman told me, "My Husband would Never Tolerate these woman of today, they are no good,they want to be a man and ruin good men". Years ago some old time police officers told me domestic disturbances were "Handled" totally different some old timers admitted that some woman needed a good spanking to keep them in line and "that is the way some times situations were handled", and things were usually put in order" they said. I can see the logic in that as it also applies to unruly children as well. American and Canada, have the largest population of people convicted of "Crimes" because the state says so (mala prohibita laws) which are not necessarily real crimes, (That is the biggest problem Fueling the evil Prison/Criminal Industrial Complex in America and Canada today (Mala Inse laws)(Means evil in it self, Murder, Rape etc) are what realy should be held up in the court system and many of the mala prohibita laws should be scraped like the Domestic Violence (Lautenberg Law aka,Domestic Violence) in America has been used as a weapon against mostly male victims my evil women. I personally know one good man who was in a marriage with such an evil woman, this woman would abuse him and she made up in her evil head abuse charges, the local Police and Prosecutor, realy a (Persecutor) took the woman's side and the man was convicted, lost his right to bear arms and had to be fired as a Cop. He than committed suicide. This realy happened and I remember so many times the poor soul while he was alive told me personally, "You do not want an American woman". They are no good". May God rest his soul and give him peace knowing that articles and movements are occurring to try to change this evil mess the women's "Empowerment, "Satanically" influenced and led, Man Hating Feminist" Moment can be broken! Let us work and pray so that it is. Hopefully the new generation of now young Catholic Clergy, are said to be Conservative will also work to break the Women's empowerment,Feminist movement and roll back the laws they made, giving proportional and just laws and policies in place instead of the current tolletarian ones in American and Canada today. America and Canada, You Lost Your Way, your Being, Soul, and Freedoms wake up!
Agreed, however there is a counter-part, the countervailing power of the holy women who for the greatest part are unseen and unheard for they seek no worldly approbation save for that of God. These are the women who faithfully pray each day, who sacrifice their own comfort for the well being of their family and loved ones. These are the gentle in spirit who pass generationaly the sweetness of a mother's heart and temperament to their sons and daughters so their spirit of goodness survives despite the crudeness and immorality of current times. They cannot be prevailed against; their spirit continues no matter the emptiness about them. So, let's be sure to praise them in the same breath that mutters the despicable nature of the others.
Found interesting book at Ignatius Press. Reviewer Johnnette S. Benkovic, Founder of Women of Grace®, TV & Radio Host, EWTN writes:"Eberstadt slices through the chimera of political correctness to lay bare the facts, statistics,& cultural realities of life after the sexual revolution. A compelling & provocative look at why an about-face is needed now to save Western Civilization from a cultural Doomsday,& is the solution to re-establish a healthy & moral cultural ethos." Promises to be even-handed . . .
Thanks for the discussion!
"When women are in a right relationship with Almighty God and adhere to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God there is a healthy restraint, order and harmony in a fallen society, to preserve it and to keep it from corruption." is quote from original article above. Sadly, many of my Catholic sisters married "Catholic" men, who told them:'I don't want any more children. You better not have any more. I don't care how you do it & I don't want to know.' Women do not live alone in marriage or in society. Some of my girlfriends had to leave their marriage because said husbands went on to mentally & physically abuse their living children. Why is there such horrid selfishness?! Evil manifests wherever it can. Don't just blame women! Some of these men have since died & Divine Mercy have pity on them and us.
Another comment on "Woman, stand aside!"
1) My sister was a new widow. Male neighbor was ordering her kids around, very ugly negative. He came over to tell her that she was unnatural because she was supporting her 3 kids, (working as an R.N.)& that she had to get married & have husband support her & train her children. She told him to get off her property & stay off; she had her husband's guns to enforce it (Texas). Tsk. Sexist attitude does not good neighbor make.
And when she did remarry, the guy was a incredible self-centered, self-serving (& Catholic) dork. She had to walk away from that "marriage" because he saw everything (her property, savings, children) in terms of what it could do for him & his children. No blending, no sharing. Idiot man.
2) When World War II ended, the jobs, day care systems, public kitchens & other government-sponsored facilities that enabled women to work outside the home - all stopped - so that returning servicemen could have jobs. How many women & children & old people went hungry or lost their homes during that dislocation? There's an ongoing theme through history - of using & consuming women.
3) Address this to the rich, who can afford to live on one salary.
In the beginning* was the Word,and the Word was with God,and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3* All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.
What came to be 4 through him was life,and this life was the light of the human race; 5* the light shines in the darkness,and the darkness has not overcome it.
"By the Word, we mean Wisdom joined with Love." St. Augustine, De Trinibus.
Are you Catholic? Jesus is the Word Incarnate. He is our operating context (John's Gospel, above) Not only us, as humanity, but as Creation. Our activity, as well as our existence, is grounded in & through Him, whether we want it or not. But when we chose to live through Him, we live authentically. That's what I meant by: 'Let us work together & be reconciled.'
Jesus is always 'in the equation.'
Ditto. This is sad, but true. I went to Catholic school. Sex ed was a joke. Went to work where endless sexism was a big, nasty shock! No help, no sympathy or support from parish or clergy: "You bought it on yourself!" (Translation: you're a woman, so it's your fault!) Dating was ridiculous - Mom did not raise me to be a whore, boys. At work, I've had to do 2 - 4xs as much work as man for 1/2 - 2/3 of the salary. Overlooked for promotions. Education & ideas ignored. Repeatedly assaulted on the streets - in daylight. What a context to grow up & live in. Younger women have it worse.
This sinful sexual pollution of society is so pervasive -- & it's GLOBAL, & it's historical. I have found it to be so disrespectful & isolating.
What's the answer to creating better lives for the generations to come? & not only at women's expense!
Encourage spiritual lives -- real dialog between the soul & God. Encourage mysticism, instead of fearing it. Feed our souls!
Feed our souls so we can starve Molloch.
This is bonkers.
OK! The comic relief is here!
Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman are Christian women??? Both bought into feminism by seeking a career at the expense of their families.Palin own daughter had a child outside marriage because Sarah was too busy running a state instead of her family. Real Christian woman are Mothers and Housewifes.
NOTE: This message is for women who are married to a husband with a good career, NOT a woman who is widowed. A widowed woman needs a job. Women, please be careful who you marry!!! Only look for hard working, God-fearing men. Mothers should stay at home with their children. Yes, all women should be given the chance for an education. But once she has children, she should care for the children on a full-time basis. After the children leave home, then she can pursue a career. This message is for a married woman and not a widower or a woman whose husband walked out on her.
Yeah yeah yeah. Let's take the stockyards in Chicago, & make them into the new meat-market! Birka all women, shove them into stockyards, issue every man his 5 'virgins' & everybody will have their deepest darkest fears achieved.
The Last Frontier is inside your heart. Go stay there & ask God to put you on His Path. That exploration is the most freeing & terrifying & hardest effort you will ever make. Surrender yourself completely; then Trust Him. He will lead you.
YES! In Islam, we also believe in giving women justifiable spanking. At heart we, Islam and Catholic, have the same values regarding women. This makes me happy. Together we will bring them to their knees before us as God intended. I am happy to your religion finally waking up and recognizing the evil in woman and not pandering to it but now are able to beat her senseless with the punishment these harlot daughters deserve. This is good God's work. Your Jesus had no disciples of a woman.. This should be enough for your Catholoic women to take note of their unworthiness before God's face.
While I agree that the Feminist Movement changed the way women behave and think, I am incensed that this article bashes and blames women for the fall of America??? Where is the article that speaks the absolute truth that men are selfish pigs who think only of their own gratification and while doing so, they are seducing women and this has been going on since the world began and NOT since the 60's. The Bible clearly says that men are the leaders of the family unit? What happened? Men are wimps, druggies and spiritually needy. How can they lead a family in that condition? Then, speaking about women and purity, it is the gutter mind of men that made this possible. Women went to extremes to get a man's attention. I'm sick and tired of men getting a free ride for their fantasies and sinful behavior. They are the ones that have cheated for years on their wives....long before the 60's and the Church was silent about these sins. Now that women have sunk to the same low depths of sinful behavior, they are being bashed and blamed. Get it straight and tell the truth that sin is sin for both a man and a women. When a woman opts for an abortion, where is the man who tango'd with her in all this? Why is it all left to the women? Why is abortion a WOMEN THING? Last time I checked, it takes both a man and a women to produce a pregnancy the Catholic way! More has to be done from the pulpit to let men know that they are on the road to perdition for their actions....Sex outside of marriage is a sin for both men and women.....Let the truth be known....If men had true character, purity in mind and body and pure thoughts that respects women and loyalty, the world would be a better place and women would be glad to be a loyal wife and mother. Divorce, unmarrieds living together, etc. are responsible for the breakdown of the family unit...which is the real cause of the fall of America. Pray for the conversion of sinners in our nation.
You are correct. My church agrees, the holy woman is one who is unseen and unheard. Good mothers do not speak but serve without question with gentle hearts. They are created to serve. The master is the one who speaks.
I forgot to mention above - the magnification of the sin of rape. In Africa & other places, the conquering military are urged to rape all the civilian women - repeatedly. The women are traumatized. The resulting pregnancies are unwanted. Their husbands & families frequently abandon them. In strict patriarchal societies, these women are ruined; many commit suicide.
Just how is this the woman's fault?!?
Misogyny is rooted in Original Sin. That is why it is so hateful, pernicious & dangerous to us all.
Playboy magazine came out when I was a little girl. There already was pornography available, but Playboy became "popular" & had a huge impact on our American culture. I grew up in a nice neighborhood, but when I dated, I encountered the new American male expectation that every woman had to be free & available for sex on demand. There are not many 'nice' American men. Any intelligent women who lives with that demand as well as the unending unfairness of every sphere of our society - will support feminism. I want the vote, an equal opportunity & paycheck, and a safe society. I do not want to be the designated 'victim' simply because I am a woman.
And every feminist is not a harpy, a man-devouring monster as you represent. As a police officer, you do not have much opportunity to encounter the quiet lives we have to live apart from the rest - because we are underpaid - & cannot live flash. We keep our families & friends, volunteer, create art & music - & we live unacknowledged. Cops rarely meet us. And we don't want to marry angry men either.
Feminism was promoted by big business dont take my word for it do your own research A business man called Aaron Russo was friendly with one of the Rockefellers who told him, laughing: That they -The Rockefellers FUNDED
"womens lib"
So its patently true that evil shrewd vested interests to this day foster division and dischord.
Through advertising and mass communications they do this. Purity has a double edge responsibility Men/women not to look with impurity - and modesty is for both sexes as well.
We need to try to be mature and avoid dischord we are looking at fascism in western nations and well we seem to be reaching a critical point.With religious liberty under threat.I think we all need to pray the rosary. The devils reign is coming to an end and he is getting vicious....
I have a rosary & I know how to use it. I'm going to pray for you.
Islam is far from the Truth; you are afraid to read the Koran & know this.
God in One but He is not isolated. God is also Three, so He is not alone. God's ESSE, His Beingfulness pours forth, is completely expressed in His Word, & the relationship between the Father & His Word is the Holy Spirit. Each is a Person & each is God. The relationship between Persons is essential. (The human mind NEEDS this profound contradiction for its ultimate sanity - & happiness!)
This Fisherman's page is an argument over the lack of relationship - between God & humanity, mirrored in the destroyed relationships between man/men & woman/women.
Islam does not "get", does not understand relationships. Because you deny the Three in One, you do not look for relationships. Viz: the Koran approves of hateful abuse of wives, children, slaves & infidels. This fails to honor the greatest attributes of God: His Love & Mercy.
A monolithic God is not as flexible, responsive, True, beautiful, alive, Good, trustworthy, happy, brilliant and lovable as the Trinity. Glory be to God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit!
On the Trinity God bless you.
Then I take it we would all aggree with this rant! Contraception is a marital parasite. A marital parasite is anything that sucks the life out of your marriage. They are usually in the form of additions such as drugs, gambling, visual pornography or chemical pornography, which is better know as contraception. They promise pleasure but they are a disease.
Parasites latch on to you and suck the life out of you, they consume your thoughts and they steal your loyalty and your heart. They take away my rights and needs. Therefore, I beg you to give up this addiction that has your heart, if you do not, it will destroy you!
Your standards are very low and I am frustrated with you and your opinion. You humiliate me and you do not even know it. When did I stop being good enough for you? You are making things difficult. You are ungrateful and you show me no gratitude.
I am not even welcome in my own community, even though I care, you insult me, and are sarcastic. You spit on me and call me names, while I demonstrate that I care. How can we show our love, if we are constantly rejected by you?
Seeking that trash at Planned Parenthood may full fill you, but I will not compete with it. You care more about yourself than you ever have about me. I am a real man whom you persecute.
What is honorable? Going to Planned Parenthood just shows disrespect! Is contraception honorable? Is that the kind of woman you have become? Who do you think you are fooling? Do you base your life on feelings? You do not love me because you can not give, that you do not have.
must be a very small church. with very small women. i hope they have very good, very obedient, very humble children. & sweet kind gentle husbands. where is this located?
Many years ago a seer once told me a story. She knew nothing of my religion but came up to me and said she felt compelled to tell me something Important to know and that I would understand someday. She said a male priest was busy going about his business but never made time to talk with his mother who was also of the church. He said he was too busy to talk with her and she told him she had important wisdom to share. But he was too busy doing God's work and kept brushing her away. She tried and tried for a very long time With all her heart but he wouldn't listen. So she left him to his business and went far away. Years later, after many troubling events for which he had no wisdom, he realized what he had done and set about trying to find his mother again and to apologize for not listening to her. It has been many years and I wondered why I was told this. Now I understand.
lets say for the sake of argument some Women have become this creature being written about. Is it solely her fault. Once more blame eve. calling them godless women is taking this too an extreme. I am pro life. but I would like the woman that was behind roe vs. wade , not the men that passed the law, If the father of your unborn child would have said, I will take responsibilty for my behavior and do the right thing. Would she have had an abortion. If she has become vile, lawless, hateful, angry and all the terms this writer has used to condemn her further. Then it is truly time for MEN to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and say. First GOD,CHRIST(THE CHURCH),MAN,WOMAN. What have I done too bring this forth in her? What didn't i do too bring this out in her. BOTTOM LINE WHY IS SHE SO WRATHFUL AT MAN IN THE FIRST PLACE. WHY HAS SHE FORGOTTEN TOO LOVE. WHY DOESN'T SHE CARE ANYMORE. MAYBE IF MAN ACTED MORE CHRIST LIKE HE WOULD HIMSELF TURN THIS ALL AROUND. Mind you I could be wrong after all I am WOMAN
Please note: If your daughters were happy with the place you gave them, they would not leave you.
Did you mean Lady Gaga?
Wow, this blog concerns me. Whoever you are Mr Ignorant Fisherman you are in need some drastic help. The way you speak about women makes me think you are some kind of "jack the ripper". The way you loath the women of today is exactly how serial rapist speaks. I'm sorry but the world has been dominated by men since it's creation. Men have not done a very good job. And you talk about America's past like it was pristine. Sorry, but the wild west was just that and there were plenty of ladies "on demand" back then. It's not the fact that they are women, it's the fact that they are in power positions, and we all know power corrupts. That's why men and women in politics are so corrupted.
We are concerned about the women on this blog and not at what the men might do.
Are men concerned about the welfare of women or are they really concerned with womens' impact on men? All lies are eventually brought to the light. There is a time when lip service is seen as what it is.
Dear Anonymous
I'm fascinated by your contribution....but wish you would elaborate on "now I understand". I wonder what it is you understand.
To me, your story reminds me of the request for the pope's consecration made by Our Lady of Fatima. Indeed, the proud clergy have treated that request and the humble, now deceased nun Sr. Lucy in the way men tend to treat women. And it is said: "as the Church goes, so goes the world." The conflicts between men and women, I believe, will be overcome when the Church learns to submit itself publicly and humbly to the Queen of Heaven in the way requested almost 100 years ago. On that day it will be proven that it is no dishonor for a man to submit to the will/needs of a gracious woman for it is she (and heaven) that brings peace and harmony to the family and the world and not the forced, violent ways of men or women.
This is quite excellent. No doubt will ruffle some feminist feathers, but then again, they get offended by things like this, or offensive Leggos, but will generally ignore things like the exploitation of women in the porn industry.
Men hold vast power; men have not been emasculated.
Ask any wife in the country. Ask anyone who works with men in any capacity.
Yes, in the process of realizing their God given gifts and strengths in order to bring greater good to society and to provide for their families due to men who do not fulfill their roles, some women have bought into the evil of abortion. But, men have also made mistakes such as not respecting their role as father, husband, and spiritual leader of the family. They have not stepped up to the plate in fatherhood and are primarily responsible for abortions in their refusal to take responsibility and to treat women respectfully, faithfully, and in providing for their families. The men bear tremendous responsibility in the abortion crisis occurring.
Rather, we are concerned with truthfully and honestly looking at at the topic. Men are part of that equation. In fact, the author mentions men.
Job constantly prayed for his children and their sins. Other other instances in Scripture of holy people with children who sinned.
Mary told Jesus to do something about the wine at Cana.
Angels do not have sexes. They do not have genders. They simply ARE.
First reply: Exactly.
No one is talking about loathing anyone here. The Ignorant Fisherman is tactfully alerting our society to the moral parasites threatening to drag America right down there with Iran. Our society is objectifying women, NOT liberating them.
God is Creator, that is His business, so to participate in the business of God is to enter His kingdom, that of creating. Some choose not to do so, this is to choose hell. The purpose of marriage is to get your partner into heaven, but most wives are choosing hell. These women tell God they do not care about creating. God is okay with that, it is their choose.
I think some promoting the idea, that God is going to stop creating, once they are in heaven. This is not true, He will always be Creator. To enter heaven is to start participating in God's business. If you have already said, "No" to that business on earth, what makes you think your going to change your view when you die. God respects your view. I can only tell the nature of God's business, the rest is up to you.
Judeo/Christian is indeed an oxymoron term and a fiction. Judaism is a reaction to Christianity, not a precursor to it. Modern Judaism is actually a formal rejection of Christianity and it thus came AFTER Christianity. The Talmud is the written version of this phenomenon. The Jews who accepted Christ became known as Christians. Those who rejected Christ were known as Jews. To try and integrate the two is problematic.
"And Mary has chosen the better portion"! Martha probably was concerned over her sister being judged by the apostles, disciples, and Jesus , himself. And, she was probably right about many of the apostles and disciples - but, Jesus shined a light, on man's ways and traditions - in that one moment, everything changed for women. Let's not go back to the dark ages. I thought this article was against women - all women , and it troubled me greatly! Oh, and Jesus did say that " no one will take it from her". When I go to church I see women bringing there children, women coming early to say a rosary, women making up most of the choir, women running all the fund raisers, etc.etc.etc. ! Yes, many of our youth, both male and female have veered off the path, especially the teenagers and young sensitve souls, who listened to the news during the height of the male priests sex scandals and coverups . And the leity , for the most part, never condemed those men, but prayed quietly for them. Pray for your young women and young men, most especially those in your own families. That is your mission, - to take care of them, and don't listen to this horrible judgement of beautiful young people who haven't had a very good example set before them. Each side seems to puff up and revel in their intellectual "isms" ! This is not a man's world- it is God's world , to be ruled by Jesus, who brings light to our darkness! The devil was horrified that a woman was crowned Queen of Heaven! Hmmm, "And, enmity will come between thee and the woman" !!!
Christianity is God based.
Judaism is Talmud based, straight from hell.
There is no fellowship of Light and darkness.
Not all American women are this way, in fact, the women who aren't are the ones most hurt by feminist agendas. Speaking from personal experience,having to work outside the home while raising my children was not a choice, it was a necessity. I didn't emasculate my husband, his pornography addiction did that. Watching all those "liberated" women enslaved him in every way possible. I certainly was hurt by and did not condone his behavoir. Then there was the constant (hours at a time)video gaming that separated him even further from his children and family. I tried my best to be a Proverbs 31 type of woman, but it is hard to compete with the world for your husbands love and affection. I think women changed in order to get male attention, in order to keep their husbands. I didn't change and roll in the filth with him, so he pursued his desires and is living a homosexual lifestyle; we are now divorced. People support his decision to live life the way he wants because those are the "morals" valued by the world. I am looked down on (by many women) because I couldn't keep my husband (compete with the porn and homosexuality), save my marriage, or, be more understanding. I guess what I am trying to say is,: not all women are evil, nor are all men. Our society is run by evil people of both genders, and it will take BOTH genders to fix it. Blaming all women for 100% of societys ills is nonsense.
To the dragon of Revelation 12 who attacks Judaism,
Of course the evil one who walks in darkness spreads lies would be anonymous.
The whole of the Bible Genesis to Revelation (except the Book of Luke) comes from Jews dear ignorant fool who spreads lies and hate.
Dear brave and bold servant of Jesus,
Thank you for this long overdue study on the big part godless women play in the final destruction of America Babylon. It's going up at my blog ASAP.
You live in a different culture than mine. Here after the first or second birth, the women have their tubes tied and when we question them about it, they say, "pro-choice". There is no discussion, it is simple their choice. We do not even get the chance to say, "no more children", they have completely taken out of our hands. So sadly, many of my Catholic brothers, who married Catholic women, have not a choice. Do not just blame men.
As a Dominant Godless American Woman, I thank the Fishermen for admitting their ignorance. I understand how not getting any sex and feelings of inferiority would create a need to lash out on blogs.
ps. That's Ms DominantGodlessAmericanWoman to you.
Just because one is not of the Christian-Judeo faith, it does not make them godless. I am full of love, life, spirit and faith. I have faith in mother nature and the world around me. I have faith in the human species and am consumed by the love I have for my fellow man/woman/creature.
Your argument comes across as very ignorant. You do not know the women that you speak of. You don't know of their struggle. You just see things that scare you and then you lash out on blogs like this taking such a high and lofty, self-righteous approach.
I am independent, free-willed, sexually liberated, free-spirited and am not un-Godly. We all have free will and just because YOUR faith does not agree with my choices, does not give you right to judge them.
I am sure that if we met, I would find you extremely small minded, sad, frustrated and ignorant...
You should really also discover spell-check. It's really a useful tool.
example: unfullfilled is actually: unfulfilled.
You had many more, but I don't have time to post them all. It may help you sound more knowledgeable though on your next rant.
what's more..
Hey.. at least The Kingdom of Heaven is at your hand!! (if you know what I mean)
Michele Bachmann -> Epic FAIL. She totally rearranged the scriptures to suit her own comfort, when confronted the submission issue. It was a very sad pander to feminist Christians
i agree.
and I thought Islam was bad?
Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin , bad examples, they are not Proverbs 31 or Titus 2 women. They possess very little Biblical womanhood, this is evidenced by the fact that they put their careers ahead of their husbands and children. Until they have all left the nest, a wife and mothers first priority is home, THAT is your only duty, when you have a husband to provide as he should. I am a reformed feminist, I walked that path for many years, paid the price and fully acknowledge the true evil that defines feminism, the false concept of liberation and individuality. I am truly fulfilled now as a Proverbs 31, Titus 2 woman, Praise God!
It all boils down to whether (some) men consider women as human beings. They can talk about "equality of being" all day long, but how they actually treat women is where the truth comes out. As this blog TITLE and misogynist screed bear out, they actually do consider women not as equal human beings made in the DIRECT image of God, but as permanent children, subhuman, dormant little Jezebels. They (male supremacists) shift blame and demonstrate FEAR of women by imprisoning them lest it be made obvious that men are not superior (but sorry, the truth gets out anyway). This is how bullies behave.
But good news, ladies! As adults, you decide for yourselves what you may or may not do, just as Christian men do. Either "in Christ there is no male and female" or Jesus was wrong; either "not so among you" or Jesus winked at the men to exempt them when women were around; either you all "treat others as better than yourselves" or you treat half the human race as beneath you, as animals that need to be kept on leashes. Jesus treated women with dignity as adult human beings, as disciples, as witnesses, as apostles and deacons and leaders, as brave and strong and capable of ANYTHING a man can do. And the great equalizer is the Holy Spirit, who is quite capable of leading and "covering" us all.
It is thus pointless to try to reason with the sexist as it is to reason with the racist; those who think themselves superior by TREATING others as inferior (or, like cannibals, devouring their own kind and supporting the subservience of their own group) will go on being little gods and kings. But Jesus said, "the first shall be last"; in eternity the tables will be turned. "God uses the weak to shame the strong"; he consistently chooses the youngest (David, Jacob, etc.), the least, the downtrodden; he lifts up the humble but opposes the proud.
I encourage all who love and truly follow Jesus rather than the flesh to abandon the institutions of worldly power and godless chains of command. Start authentic Christian communities where there is a true "building each other up" rather than watching the back of someone's head while you all stand and sit on command, facing a raised stage where professional orators draw attention to themselves and assert their imaginary authority. Be free, but be holy!
Lets not forget the beginnings of these foul toads....
Such as:
1) Old wives tales (even mentioned in the NT) 1 Timothy 4:7 But reject profane and old wives' fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness.
2) Women teaching and lording over men. 1 Timothy 2:12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.
3) The "temperence movement" Ended in disaster for all parties.....
4) The "sufferage movement" This is what I like to call "The battle axe movement"
A typical 60's ahem... "woman" is shown at 2:47 in the following video...
Men are at greater fault for allowing themselves to become the following:
"We have seen since the beginning of the social and sexual revolution here in America that the American man has been made base, feminine and weak by the subtle charms of the lawless intellect, licentious behavior, dominating spirit and position in the new social order of our post Judeo/Christian culture. Satan’s hand is all over this."
But lastly...
A woman who is yoked to a panzy (base, feminine and weak) cannot retrain him to be a man as that violates the command to not teach or have authority over a man....
Quite a paradox we have here isn't it?
But we find the answer in scripture.....
1 Timothy 2:12 "but to be in silence."
1 Peter 3:1 Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives,
@anon Apr 24 10:41:
There is a whole book about what Paul taught about women at that shows how badly his words have been translated. One of the problems is the ignorance of idioms and playing fast and loose with Greek grammar. The one rendered "old wives' tales" is literally "silly old fables" and fits the stated purpose of the letter in combating "myths", which most scholars take as related to Gnosticism. The one in 1 Tim. 2:12 is explained well at and was never a universal edict for anyone but the specific woman teaching falsehood there in Ephesus.
The "battle axe" smear is totally uncalled for. Watch "Iron Jawed Angels", and if you are not moved to tears by the torture some women went through just for wanting the right to vote, you have no business interpreting scripture.
@anon Apr 24 10:58:
As other commenters have already pointed out, men are only passing blame and afraid they won't always be first in line just because of their genetalia. A real man is not afraid of a real woman; a real man is human rather than a brute beast. Calling non-aggressive men "panzies" is no better than calling aggressive women "battle axes"; it is juvenile and unchristian.
As I mentioned to the previous anon comment, the "silence" is "a quiet demeanor" typical of any student toward their teacher. The one by Peter is to Christian women married to unbelieving men who had the right to murder their wives for not worshipping the man's gods. All the standard proof-texts suffer similar fatal flaws.
But again, the real issue is this: how can AΝΥ professing Christian want to retain permanent "boss" status over another adult Christian? Anyone who desires veto power over another adult for life, based of all things on genetalia, is proud and knows nothing of the kingdom of heaven. Not even Jesus Himself clung to his rights as God (Phil. 2:5-11) but laid it down and humbled himself, first washing the feet of his own disciples, then giving up his very life. Any who claim to follow this Jesus must do the same, giving up privilege and the lust to rule, and learning to truly value ALL others as precious souls for whom Christ died.
It is shameful that professing Christians are still trying to keep the top-down kingdoms of the world and teaching division in the Body of Christ, especially on the basis of the flesh. Jesus must be weeping over how many are still fighting for seats of power to show "who is the greatest".
I wonder what the scripture twisters do with the following?
1 Corinthians 11:3 But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
Already "anon 11:58" labels any interpretation differing from his/her own as "twisting".
The fact is that Paul is clearly talking about sources, the figurative meaning of the literal word "head". Note the difference between saying "God" is a source and saying "the Father" is a source; God refers to the entire Trinity. Note also the order; if Paul were laying out a chain of command (and contradicting all he has taught against such a thing elsewhere), the order here is quite inexplicable. But curiously enough, those who parade "head = boss" conveniently ignore Paul's later statement about all men coming from women, but everything comes from God. A clearer rebuke against "I got here first so I'm the boss of you" could not have been written. It is the lovers of power who do all the "twisting".
Which, again, begs the question: What kind of Christian refuses to lay privilege down as Jesus did?
Do not listen to the siren songs of the she serpents preaching their vile false doctrine.
Read what they said in their own words in the early 1960's:
A few quotes from the feminist movement:
“The National Organization for Women’s 1966 Statement of Purpose: We organize to initiate or support action, nationally, or in any part of this nation, by individuals or organizations, to break through the silken curtain of prejudice and discrimination against women in government, industry, the professions, the churches, the political parties, the judiciary, the labor unions, in education, science, medicine, law, religion and every other field of importance in American society.”
“Women theologians called for the “castration of sexist religion” at the largest and most prestigious gathering of biblical scholars in history, the American Academy of Religion, meeting at the Century Plaza hotel in Los Angeles. Dr. Mary Daly, noted Catholic theologian of Boston College, told a seminar of women that historic sexist religion had led to patriarchal institutions whose teachings had amounted to “a gang rape of our minds.” (09/02/72)”
Here is what the feminists of the western church have to look forward to:
Isaiah 3:16-26 16 Moreover the Lord says: "Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, And walk with outstretched necks And wanton eyes, Walking and mincing as they go, Making a jingling with their feet, 17 Therefore the Lord will strike with a scab The crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, And the Lord will uncover their secret parts." 18 In that day the Lord will take away the finery: The jingling anklets, the scarves, and the crescents; 19 The pendants, the bracelets, and the veils; 20 The headdresses, the leg ornaments, and the headbands; The perfume boxes, the charms, 21 and the rings; The nose jewels, 22 the festal apparel, and the mantles; The outer garments, the purses, 23 and the mirrors; The fine linen, the turbans, and the robes. 24 And so it shall be: Instead of a sweet smell there will be a stench; Instead of a sash, a rope; Instead of well-set hair, baldness; Instead of a rich robe, a girding of sackcloth; And branding instead of beauty. 25 Your men shall fall by the sword, And your mighty in the war. 26 Her gates shall lament and mourn, And she being desolate shall sit on the ground.
Some additional good reading:
The Feminist Movement and CIA
Seriously, you're nut, you are blaming women for men's filthy minds. Not one time do you consider that "maybe" men should or could be able to take responsibility for their own action. I suppose all women deserve to be raped too. May God forgive for your lack of insight into your own "ignorance".
LIKE Apr 24. 2012 11:14 AM
Not all modern day feminists subscribe to the feminists doctrines of the past. Things evolve and change. Your narrow minded thinking is what causes hatred, fear and anger towards strong women. I won't tell you how many kids you should crap out and you don't tell me what I can or should do with my vagina, my career or my life. Can't it be that simple??
Don't tread on me.
Brava, sister! Well said.
The really good thing about this page is -- more than one point of view has been presented -- & more than one voice has spoken. It is disappointing that there are lotsa people ready to blame MEN -- or blame WOMEN -- for everything wrong with America. But look on the bright side. Nobodys blaming puddycats! Yay! I'm gonna enjoy vintage lolcats! After I read the rest of the entries.
So tell me how a movement backed by the CIA and designed to destroy the American family and beyond can "evolve and change" into something better?
We had Nancy Sinatra in the 1960's
We now have "Lady" Gaga...
I rest my case.
Chivalry, with women being placed on a pedestal(above men), gave rise as a prerequsite to feminism.(e.g. just as a man gives up his seat for a woman, a black person gives up his or her seat for a white person.)
Can't rest a case that never existed.
Who is talking about a movement? I'm talking about scripture.
And for those who refer to women for whom Christ died as serpents... God will judge.
Did this guy just have a bad breakup?
Good post except for the "God fearing Sarah Palin" comment...puleez
The case is the topic of the article.
"The Dominance of the Godless American Woman and the Fall of America"
The feminist movement is the cause of the topic.
It's fine to talk about scripture, just don't twist it and expect not to get called on it in a public forum.
And heresy will bar anyone, man or woman, from the kingdom of God.
And a Christian woman who stands for the feminist movement has no business calling herslf a follower of Christ. Yes, God will judge.
So much damage to our household a single woman who wanted to exercise her reproductive 'rights' with MY husband as I was homeschooling our three children ...I grew in the study of the WORD and practiced as I could ..not 'churchized' ..but minded my own responsiblities..
The OW conscience....feminist, socialist, pantheist , self serving wicked viper ...offered 'no strings' sex to a married man with NO expectations of marriage..told from 'first date' ...SHE controlled my husband by lust and guilt ...
Funny ..he did not want to be considered 'married' because it was going to cause him to feel like he lost his independent identity ..[ Gen 3] so to escape the idea of being 'controlled' by a godly wife who did NOT dominsat him ..HE became the SLAVE to a complete stranger who had learned her feminist tactics well
Find a responsible man who has A LOT to LOSE and entangle him in a sexual arrangement he cannot escape without losing everything that matters to him ...his career , wife , family and respect of all his fellows
Oh she PEGGED him correctly ...he is now being extorted and our entire family is being sucked dry by this person who "only wanted to offer him a little fun and sex on the side"
He was stupid....He had all kinds of love, sex and respect in our home...but he wanted MORE was the James BOND and Playboy effect....
Vain imaginations ....all
It appears that the blog is either malfunctioning or my comments are being deliberately erased. That in itself does more to validate my "case" than anything else. But actually I'm glad blogs like this exist, because they serve as evidence of unregenerated wolves roaming about devouring half the Body of Christ. It's handy to be able to just post a link and silence all those who deny that misogyny has overrun the church. ;-)
My previous comments were deleted, but I'll try once more.
There is no "case" because no valid points were made. These men are in denial of the real problem: their own sin. As Jesus said, "If YOUR eye causes you to sin...", not "If women cause you to sin...". Nobody causes men to sin but themselves. And if anyone is twisting scripture, it is the male supremacists and their glorification of their flesh. Called out? That's what I've been doing to the MSers, but they can't stand being shown up so they erase my words. That's just plain cowardly. Any "Christian" who stands for this hypocrisy and hate has no business calling themselves a follower of Christ, and yes, I look forward to the judgment when half the Body will finally be avenged.
And that comment about the "OW"... wow. So the man is weak and what the Bible calls a FOOL, yet it's her fault! Sweet deal for the man; no responsibility, it's always the woman's fault. There's a word for women who devour their own kind... not that the OW isn't a sinner either, but that man is solely to blame for his own weakness and idiocy.
Did not Paul write that no temptation is too much for us but that God will provide a way out? Why didn't YOUR HUSBAND take it? It is HIS FAULT ALONE that your family is ruined. Responsible man? The evidence proves otherwise.
Proverbs 21:9 Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.
Proverbs 21:19 Better to dwell in the wilderness, Than with a contentious and angry woman.
Proverbs 25:24 It is better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.
Proverbs 27:15 A continual dripping on a very rainy day And a contentious woman are alike;
A woman who understands and doesn't twist the scripture to heap up teachers according to her own desires.....
The OW come in many forms. Not just feminists. She probably did things in bed that you would never do. Your husband is the one to place full blame on.
Wondering it is THE WIFE who is the 'reason' a man who enters into adultery because of "needs' he created for himself by rejecting GOD 's COMMANDMENT to husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church and GAVE HIMSELF FOR HER....
HE IS fully accountable ...absolutely ...but there are SOME women today who are 'conformed to this world ' do not honor or submit to the LORD .serve other gods and are very ACTIVELY in pursuit of men who are not taking HEED to the charge from GOD to equip themselves with the WHOLE ARMOUR of the WORD in their mind and obey ...HIM
They are thus 'unarmed' and do not care about learning about HOW to avoid sinful snares.
God allows us to be confronted with temptations and along with those temptations he has made a way of excape that we may be able to bare them is FOR OUR observing the needs for our faith to increase in order that we do not fall FOR temtpations
My husband failed those tests...he went 'headlong' into his sinful choices.
I am just saying that if he had cared to he could have avoided being deceived into thinking he needed 'extra' and he was 'entitled ' to it.
The OW is what she is ...and she goes on CHOOSING the same kinds of relationships as well...worships at a GYIA temple....
Thanks for your most supportive responses to a very painful sharing ...I am so glad I found this site...I did enjoy the article by the way on the DOMINANCE OF THE GODESS AMERICAN WOMAN >>>>>Just thought what I shared to be relivant ...guess not ...
To Anonymous Apr 27, 2012 04:45 PM,
I wouldn't take to heart what some of these rebel women have said in response.
After all, one of them said above,
"I won't tell you how many kids you should crap out and you don't tell me what I can or should do with my vagina, my career or my life. Can't it be that simple??
Don't tread on me."
Such an attitude doesn't care what God says, let alone one of us "dirty dog" men...or a woman that truly submits to God and her husband.
Let them alone and dont cast your pearls before swine.
And finally, to the feminists:
Wonder why you can't find a good man?
Proverbs 11:22 As a ring of gold in a swine's snout, So is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
A man can find Delilah attractive at first... but once the physical attraction wears off... she vexes our soul to death...
Just to dispel the stereotypes...
I have been happily married to the same man for more than twenty years.
I gave birth to our two children.
I homeschooled both of them.
I also spent fifteen years in the workforce ending with the birth of the first one, in computer science.
All of us are believers, followers of Jesus.
Neither my husband nor I vies for power or seeks to dominate the other.
Our children are well-behaved and top students, one taking college level courses in high school.
I now also work in web design, self-employed.
We pay our taxes, we are politically conservative, we get along well with others, we give to the less fortunate, and we eagerly wait for our Savior to return.
Thus, all of you who have flamed, slandered, hated, and mocked me and every other woman (or man) who believes God does not judge by the flesh are guilty and will be judged for your sins. May that day of reckoning come soon!
Isaiah 3:12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths."
The Greatest Speech Ever Given - is right along these lines - urging us to work together to overcome hatred
This video is very subtle. It totally leaves out Almighty God and redemptions plan for mankind. How can mankind put back together a broken and smashed egg? Only Almighty God can and will (Rev. 19-20, Rev. 21-22:1-5) Charlie Chaplin was a solid atheist and a godless utopian dreamer.
The “hatred” is sadly found on the Left in abundance and much less on the Right. Since the Left and secularist reject moral absolutes and Almighty God they are causing this world to reap the horrific consequences. Life is black and white on these issues. Truth, Reality and rightness are NOT hate neither is standing for these truths and speaking out against them who would violate them. That is how the "redefiners" of all that is moral and right seek to justify themselves and ease their conscience (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10, Isa. 5:20). They are in a war with rightness and Almighty God their Creator (Psalm 14, Rom. 1:18-32)
Almighty God who is the very essence of LOVE sent His Son the SAVE the world from the transgressions of mankind against the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God (Himself) – John 3:16-17) Is that hate? Relativism is the ideology of the reprobate who lives in a delusion of what the meaning and world is all about. In that video, man created all of that but Almighty God came to deliver and rescue us from all from that (Gal. 1:4).
What will you do with God’s Son? Receive Him or reject Him?
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! (Isa.11, Zech 14)
Ahh the subtle twisting of Galatians 3:28 is what causes all the confusion...
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
So a male Greek slave can become a free female Jew or any other combination of the words in the verse according to the anything goes "modern interpretation" of scripture..
The verse no longer means what it did for over 1900 years in that all have equal access to God throguh His Son Jesus Christ?
Only in the minds of those who heap up teachers according to their OWN desires and twist the scriptures to their own destruction.
FYI: "I won't tell you how many kids you should crap out and you don't tell me what I can or should do with my vagina, my career or my life. Can't it be that simple??
Don't tread on me."
I was the one that said this. I believe in God. I do not believe in the need to be self-righteous or judge other's lifestyles. I am happily married to a wonderful man. We have no children by choice, although we are planning to adopt in the next 5 years.
Marcel: Anonymous 4-23-2012 is correct. Just as much of Christianity is based on the Babylonian Mysteries (Vatican). So much of Judahism since Christ is Luciferian, Sabbatean, Kabbalistic,Occult Talmudism that has nothing to do with the original intents of the Laws of Moses, but is based on Rabbinical teachings in rejection of Jesus. A serious study of Zionist history is recommended, as well as Communism (origins), and the Western Rothschild Banking System of fractional-reserve fiat currency. The Book of Romans defines who are the children of faith in God's sight, and Revelation is speaking of a converted "Israel", finally repentant.
Let's face it. The morality has come upon the nation by both male and female. The nation has been led in this direction. The nation fell away from God's Word, laws. We've taken on the pagan ways of other nations. The enemy within opened the gates to people we have nothing in common.
Men stopped being Godly men, headships of their homes, the protectors of their home.
Women stopped being Godly women, nurturers of the home, of their children.
This did not happen by accident...but the nation fell for it.
As a woman, I agree with you.
While I agree alot in what they've said about women, I believe men have fallen in their duties as husbands and fathers...they've failed to be the headship of their homes.
Men have succumbed to the Hugh Hefner garbage...the bars, saloons. Some men have failed in their duties. A woman is nothing without a man to love, and to feel loved...hopefully it's the same for the man. But, many men have been lacking for many years. Speaking as a woman, I think the love of a good man, means everything.
God should be the center focus of the home.
Men have to start being men again, being the loving, respectful husband/father he should be. He should become the headship of the home.
Women have to start being women again, being the loving, respectful wife/mother she should be. She should nurture the home, nurture her children, our future generations.
Biblically, the definition of love is "each partner to put their loved one's feeling before there own." What a great family unit that would be if each partner did that.
When we have children, our life is not our own.
Satanic elites are finding it harder and harder to maintain their integrity.
Devastatingly true! Ireland is hot on your heels with a vengeance, brother. I was married to one of these women and lost her, my children, my home and my business. I made a dozen court appearances to prove my innocence against a deluge of false allegations but, as I took the oath to give evidence, the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying "Choose ye THIS DAY whom ye will serve".... "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15) I replied. Next day, I was invited to a Bible study and I've been going for the last six years. But I've forgiven her along the lines of Matthew 6:14, 15 and throughout three years of court, I've miraculously never retaliated in word or deed (Romans 12:19). The children will work out that it takes two to tango but for the time being, I've told them "it's all my fault" so as they can just get on being kids and forget that their mother was in any way culpable. Their grades are at last starting to improve and with Bible home-schooling, they are turning out very well. We pray for Mama's salvation every night of their access and given the way this phenomenon is described in this blog, my children and I couldn't be in a better place - poor but happy. God is Great!!!
My friend, Thanks for sharing that!
God speed!
I invited a our friend to come stay in our camper because her and her boyfriend were having trouble making it. There's half the problem they where not married and, living together. I think what I'm about to type next happened because God was punishing me for allowing this sin on my property. I had been trying to get my husband to come to Jesus and, I was actually making progress. Well her and her boyfriend were regular drinkers every weekend and, during the week too. Everything was a reason to drink to them. They convinced my husband to have drinks with them. Then he started cursing more frequently. He had almost stopped. I said something to him about it one day in front of the "friend" and, she says why shouldn't he curse whats wrong with it . I said the Bible says to guard your tongue. She then said who determines what words are bad; whats right and whats wrong. I said OK then why don't we teach Rodney (my toddler)curse words. Then she said well society sees that as wrong. I said why do they get to decide what words are right or wrong for people. Why not teach little children curse words? There going to say them anyway and, according to you it doesn't matter anyway. Why is it bad for them but good for us? "Friend" no response. I said this wasn't any of your business in the first place. This was between my husband and I. At which point she wanted to fight me. I told her I wasn't going to fight her. So she went and packed her bags in a huff and left. I'll admit I probably shouldn't have said the last part. Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. I knew better. Lesson learned though. You can't move sin in on top of you. Society doesn't think the way Christians do. That's when I learned how different Christians are from the secular world. God bless you all. Love Nikkip
OK, hold the phone ya,ll all of you men and women went in a totally different direction than the way this should have gone. We as Christians male or female should know what the role of men and women are as believers in Christ. Men your to treat your wives as yourself because you wouldn't harm yourself and, wives your supposed to submit yes Mam I said SUBMIT to your husbands cause lets get real were headstrong by nature but, I honesty think God instilled that in us to be strong when our husband couldn't, not to lord over them. A marriage is supposed to be a team.God made men and women to complement each other.That being said men have been told in this society that to be monogamous is to be weak. Women in this society have be told assert your vagina (boobs they have)it has magical powers. I as a Christian have had to deprogram my feminist views and, replace them with Gods views of what a virtuous women is. Believe you me that hasn't been easy submitting myself to a husband I've caught on more than one occasion talking to other women in an inappropriate manner.I'm determined to be a good women in Gods eyes even if he isn't a good man. I will let the light of Christ shine through. I've been ordered by God to stay with him even though by Biblical standards I can leave him.Yes you can leave your spouse if they cheat on you and, yes I consider that cheating. Don't ask me how I know God wants me to stay with him. If you really know God you have your language with him and, I have mine. So I will do what God says even if it hurts and, it does very much. Maybe God sees who he could be maybe he can be a Godly man if I just show him what a Godly women is. Now you know from my comment above I'm not perfect but, I try; I do my best. Sometimes my broken heart gets the best of me but, I snap myself out of it and, I am the loving caring wife I should be. I daydream about the Godly husband my husband could be and, probably because God ordered me to stay with him will be. PS women if my husband says no on something that's it the end I don't do it. If he says hes doing something or getting something if it isn't ridicules like lets say sell our house and, get a mustang I don't argue with him. He did buy a crotch rocket (motorcycle)once and, it scared me to death. I let him get it then I prayed he would lay it down just enough to skin him up a little and scare him and that the bike wouldn't get tore up to bad so we could sell it. Guess what happened THE NEXT DAY, you got it just the way I prayed, my God is good! He wouldn't even touch the bike to put it on the trailer when my dad came and got him. Yeah submit but, remember you got an all powerful God to pray to too. ; )God bless you all. Love Nikkip
Ridiculous! The political correct crowd is trying to erase God from our culture. I wrote about it today in the article "Political Correctness = Godlessness"
If anyone out there is desiring to work with a truly good person that cares about the betterment of the mankind, who will be honest, straight-forward, and down to earth – give Dr. Todd a chance. This man is amazing. manifestspellcast@gmail. com
And the saddest part is how this has infiltrated the church.
As an older Christian woman my heart is broken. I have had to stand apart from all but one friend as those I once enjoyed fellowship with have gone to the far country. Most of them following their lost children.
It can be a lonely walk for women who still choose to abide in Christ and follow His will.
Thank you for this post.
It helps me to realize that it really is happening...sometimes it is hard to accept that this is reality and it is never going to change
Thank you for your sincere reply!
Phil. 4:4!
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